October 4, 2019
signing ceremony
On September 30, the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) signed a Record of Discussions with the Government of the Republic of Zambia in Lusaka for the Project for Promoting Local Integration of Former Refugees in Mayukwayukwa and Meheba, a technical cooperation for development planning.
Zambia has been hosting refugees from neighboring countries since the 1960s. In 2014, Zambia pledged to locally integrate former Angolan and Rwandan refugees* who were not willing to return to their countries of origin through the “Strategic Framework for the Local Integration of Former Refugees in Zambia” (2014-2016) and the ”Sustainable Resettlement Programme in Zambia” (2017-2021)**. Although various measures have been implemented, the program has made slow progress due to limited basic infrastructure, livelihood opportunities and other obstacles.
The project aims to contribute to promoting the local integration in Mayukwayukwa and Meheba resettlement schemes by developing the following approaches; 1) resident-oriented resettlement planning, 2) improving livelihood that encompasses inclusive market-oriented agriculture with better household management, 3) enhancing information sharing and coordination among the Government and donor agencies for resource mobilization.
Details for the project are provided below.
Country | Republic of Zambia |
Project title | Project for Promoting Local Integration of Former Refugees in Mayukwayukwa and Meheba |
Planned implementation period | 48months |
Executing agency | Department of Resettlement of the Office of Vice President |
Target region | -Meheba Resettlement areas in Kalumbila District, North-Western Province -Mayukwayukwa Resettlement areas in Kaoma District, Western Province |
Specific project details (provisional) | Promoting local integration of former refugees through developing resident-oriented resettlement planning and improving livelihood. |