June 3, 2019
signing ceremony
On June 3, the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) signed a Record of Discussions with the Government of Solomon Islands in Honiara for the Project for Formulating Renewable Energy Road Map, a technical cooperation for development planning.
The project aims to formulate a road map for enabling high penetration of renewable energy generation in Honiara, the capital city of Solomon, by 2030, based on the study on technical, financial, structural aspects.
Power generation in Solomon highly depends on expensive imported fuel, thereby getting vulnerable against oil price fluctuation. Moreover, promotion of renewable energy is increasingly drawing attention in the island countries in Pacific including Solomon, due to the vulnerability of the region against climate change. Ambitious renewable energy targets, such as 100% contribution, have been established in the region to lead the international trend towards climate action. For the achievement of these goals, however, there remain many issues to be tackled; how to ensure stable supply of electricity with higher penetration of power sources dependent on weather, such as solar power, how to minimize costly equipment like battery storage system, how to secure necessary finance source for power development projects, and etc.
The project is expected to contribute to ensuring clean, affordable, reliable and sustainable power supply, through formulation of a road map that include proper countermeasures against the above mentioned issues.
【Basic project information】
Country:Solomon Islands
Project title:Project for Formulating Renewable Energy Road Map
Planned implementation period:12 months
Executing agency:Ministry of Mines, Energy and Rural Electrification / Solomon Islands Electricity Authority
Target region:Honiara Power Grid
Specific project details:To formulate a road map for promoting renewable energy based on the study on technical, financial, structural aspects.