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Lineup of JICA Knowledge Co-Creation Program (Group and Region Focus)

The program details, such as the curriculum, implementing period are subject to change as they are the information at the time of planning.

Outline of Knowledge Co-Creation Program (Group and Region Focus)

Please click program title to see the outline.

JICA Center: JICA Hokkaido (Obihiro)

Global Issues
Sector / Sub-sector
Program Title Course No. JICA Center Language Target Organization / Group
Education / Primary Education Quality Improvement of Primary Science Education ("Teaching and Learning"at on-site education) (PDF/220KB) J1704090 JICA Hokkaido (Obihiro) English Target Organization:
Training institution for science teacher in elementary school
Target Group:
1. Have knowledge on curriculum development, teaching methodology and national policy on primary science education
2. Have more than 5 years' experience as a teacher instructor
3. Be involved in simple science experiment development and dissemination
Education / Education Administration Improvement of Education in Remote Areas - For the Achievement of SDGs (PDF/221KB) (A) J1704415 / (B) J1704092 (A) JICA Shikoku / (B) JICA Hokkaido (Obihiro) (A) English / (B) Spanish Target Organization:
Ministry of Education and other related ministries, local governments, and national research institution for education, teacher training institution

Target Group:
*Administrative officials or specialists in charge of remote areas education improvement
*More than 3 years of job experience in the field of remote and isolated areas education
*Buchelor degree or more
Health / Maternal and Child Health / Reproductive Health Improvement of Maternal and Child Nutrition (PDF/218KB) J1704236 JICA Hokkaido (Obihiro) English Target Organization:
Central government officials or local authority involved in MCH, community health, and nutrition improvement in SUN participatin countries

Target Group:
(1) Government officials engaged in policy development and / or implementation of maternal and child nutrition at the central level
(2) 3 years or more experiences in relevant fields
(3) 2 / a country
(4) Competent in English speaking, writing
Agricultural / Rural Development / Other Agricultural / Rural Development Issues Business management of agri-business for CIS and Mongolia (PDF/219KB) J1704083 JICA Hokkaido (Obihiro) Russian Target Organization:
Private companies in agri-business (Agriculture, livestock, food, dairy products) and related organizations

Target Group:
Job title: Executives and Manager
Job experience: More than 5 years
Other qualification:
- Completed a business course which offered by Japan centers or acquired same level of knowledge of business management.
- Having plan for overseas operations
Private Sector Development / Trade and Investment Developed Market Oriented Export Promotion Strategy / Marketing Strategy (PDF/221KB) (A) J1704350 (B) J1704307 (C) J1704308 (D) J1704382 (E) J1704309 (F) J1704414 (A) JICA Kansai (I) / (B) JICA Kyushu / (C) JICA Kyushu / (D) JICA Chubu / (E) JICA Kyushu / (F) JICA Hokkaido (Obihiro) (A) English / (B) English / (C) Spanish / (D) English / (E) English / (F) English Target Organization:
Two participants should be selected from each country:one from public organization and another from private organization such as CCI,producers' group.
Target Group:
1. Public organization:More than 3
years' experience of export promotion
2. Private organization: More than 3
years' experience in the field.
3. Managers who have authority of decision making are preferable. 
4. Counterpart of JICA project is preferable.
Private Sector Development / Trade and Investment Capacity Development for Investment Promotion (PDF/218KB) (A) J1704290 / (B) J1704292 / (C) J1704141 (A) JICA Kansai (I) / (B) JICA Kansai (I) / (C) JICA Hokkaido (Obihiro) (A) English / (B) English / (C) English Target Organization:
Investment Promotion Agency,  Investment promotion division of regional or municipal governmental organizations or CCI
Target Group:
Officials who has been engaged with investment protmotion for more than 2 years
Agricultural / Rural Development / Other Agricultural / Rural Development Issues Local Industry Development through the Enhancement of Hygiene and Quality Management for Animal-Sourced Foods (PDF/221KB) J1704109 JICA Hokkaido (Obihiro) English Target Organization:
Central / Local administration or private organization dealing with quality control of animal source foods from feeding stage up to distribution.
Target Group:
1. Inspector / Supervisor / Extension worker / planning officer engaged in quality control or food hygiene of animal-sourced foods from feeding stage up to distribution
2. More than 3 years experience
3. Be able to participate beef / pork processing practice
Agricultural / Rural Development / Other Agricultural / Rural Development Issues Farmer-Led Extension Method -Curriculum Development for Motivating Farmers- (PDF/220KB) (A) J1704088 / (B) J1704342 (A) JICA Hokkaido (Obihiro) / (B) JICA Hokkaido (Obihiro) (A) English / (B) English Target Organization:
Public organization responsible for extension of agricultural technology such as agricultural extension institute.

Target Group:
Those responsible for planning and implementation of agricultural extension activities such as agricultural instructors and extension officers.
Agricultural / Rural Development / Agricultural Development Soil Diagnosis Technology for Sustainable Agricultural Production and Environmental Conservation (PDF/220KB) J1704144 JICA Hokkaido (Obihiro) English Target Organization:
Agriculture related organization which is implementing / will implement soil analysis and diagnosis.
Target Group:
1. Be engaged in soil analysis, soil diagnosis or extension work based on soil diagnosis
2. Have more than 3 years' experience in the fields of soil analysis and technical guidance of cultivation to farmers
Agricultural / Rural Development / Agricultural Development Planning, Design, Construction and Operation & Maintenance of Agricultural Infrastructure Project in Crop Field (PDF/223KB) J1704054 JICA Hokkaido (Obihiro) English Target Organization:
Governmental organizations and other relevant organizations which is involved in agricultural infrastructure project
Target Group:
1. Leading civil engineers with experience in surveying, planning, construction management or infrastructure management for agricultural infrastructure improvement
2. Having 3 years more practical experience in relevant fields
3. Under 50 years old
Agricultural / Rural Development / Agricultural Development ICT (Information and Communication Technology) for Agricultural Information Use -aiming at practical skills acquisition- (PDF/220KB) J1704445 JICA Hokkaido (Obihiro) English Target Organization:
Official institutions collecting, processing, providing and utilizing agricultural information and statisitical data.

Target Group:
1. Process, provide and utilize agricultural information for people concerned with agriculture
2. Have basic skills to process data and interest in providing agricultural information by application of programming
3. Have more than 3 years' experience
Agricultural / Rural Development / Agricultural Development Asia region Regional Agribusiness promotion by the value chain building- From the policy and organization making to branding and distribution for high-value-added local food supply (PDF/225KB) J1704446 JICA Hokkaido (Obihiro) English Target Organization:
Private sector, producer organization, exemplary farmer, public sector involved in production, processing, distribution of local agri-products

Target Group:
1.Senior officers / lecturers or higher level
2.Person who should be able to plan production, processing, distribution and sale of agricultural products projects
3.Person who have experience for these technology development or planning more than 3yesrs
Agricultural / Rural Development / Agricultural Policy and System Agricultural Policy (PDF/215KB) (A) J1704049 / (B) J1704325 (A) JICA Tsukuba (Training) / (B) JICA Hokkaido (Obihiro) (A) English / (B) Russian Target Organization:
Administrative bodies responsible for agricultural policy planning at central or major local governments

Target Group:
1. Exective offcieres (Director General, Directors etc) assigned to planning agricultural policy at central or major local government
2. More than 10 year experience in the relevant field
Agricultural / Rural Development / Rural Development Cattle Management for Milk and Meat Production Using Regional Resources (PDF/220KB) J1704344 JICA Hokkaido (Obihiro) English Target Organization:
Ministry of agriculture、Agricultural extension center、universities,

Target Group:
1. Technical instructor,extension officer,researcher and field 
veterinarian of dairy husbandry are preferable.
2. more than 3 year practical experience
3. university graduates or have an equivalent academic background
Agricultural / Rural Development / Rural Development Local Industry Development in Agricultural Regions by Strengthening Capacity of Management and Marketing (PDF/222KB) (A) J1704094 / (B) J1704095 (A) JICA Hokkaido (Obihiro) / (B) JICA Hokkaido (Obihiro) (A) English / (B) English Target Organization:
1. Central and local governmental organizations dealing with rural development
2. Small and medium-sized enterprise
3. Chambers of commerce 
4. NGOs.
Target Group:
1. Officers or manager of target organizations who are in charge of support of SMEs or farmers organizations
2. Have more than 3 years' working experience in the field of rural development
Agricultural / Rural Development / Rural Development Rural Development through creating Agricultural Value Chain (Value addition to Agricultural and Livestock Products) (PDF/222KB) J1704343 JICA Hokkaido (Obihiro) English Target Organization:
administrative organizations, research / educational institutes,and other related organizations such as dairy cooperatives
Target Group:
1.Senior officers / lecturers or higher level
2.Person who should be able to plan or establish agriculture / livestock projects. 
3.Person who should be in the field of 
developing the techniques or 
establish the measures more than 3
Nature Conservation / Sustainable Use of Natural Resources Sustainable Forestry Management with Community Participation (PDF/220KB) J1704107 JICA Hokkaido (Obihiro) English Target Organization:
Public institution in charge of forest management
Target Group:
A person Who can spread the method of forestry management to local residents.

A person who has more than three years experence in related work.
Nature Conservation / Sustainable Use of Natural Resources Eco-tourism for Officials on Nature Conservation (PDF/220KB) J1704145 JICA Hokkaido (Obihiro) English Target Organization:
National and local administrative organizations involved in the promotion / development of conservation / project plans for natural environments.
Target Group:
1) National / local administrators involved in the promotion / development of conservation / project plans or persons who nominated by administration agency; 2) More than three years of work experience; 3) Between 25 to 40 years old; 4) Need basic PC skill
Nature Conservation / Conservation of Biodiversity Sustainable use of wetland resources for local benefit (PDF/220KB) J1704142 JICA Hokkaido (Obihiro) English Target Organization:
Government organizations engaged in natural resource conservation
Target Group:
1. Working-level official engaged in the natural resource conservation.
2. in good health, both physically and mentally, to undergo the field training.
3. have more than 2 years' experience
Nature Conservation / Conservation of Biodiversity Adaptive Watershed Management to Climate Changes:Flood Control and Ecosystem Conservation (PDF/221KB) J1704086 JICA Hokkaido (Obihiro) English Target Organization:
Central or local government related to flood control (including the application of multifunctionality of forest) or ecosystem conservation.
Target Group:
<the first and the second year> Mid-level working officers
<the third year> Senior administrative officers directly involved in planning of watershed management.
Nature Conservation / Conservation of Biodiversity Sustainable Natural Resource Management through Collaborative Management of Protected Areas (PDF/220KB) J1704230 JICA Hokkaido (Obihiro) English Target Organization:
Local government, NGO / NPO and private sectors in charge of natural resources management and protected area management.

Target Group:
Those who are involved in natural resources management and protected area management have more than 5 years' experience in the field.
Nature Conservation / Conservation of Biodiversity GIS and Remote Sensing utilized for Biodiversity Information System and Participatory Approach toward Biodiversity Conservation Actions (PDF/223KB) J1704224 JICA Hokkaido (Obihiro) English Target Organization:
Central / Regional public institution or private organizations, engaged in planning / implementing measures for biodiversity conservation
(including NGO)
Target Group:
1. Central / Regional officials,
NGOs / private organizations' staff, researchers, engaged in planning / implementing measures for biodiversity conservation
2. 5 years practical experience or more
3. Age: 25-40 years old
4. Be able to operate PC smoothly
Nature Conservation / Conservation of Biodiversity Ecosystem conservation through collaborative management of protected areas (PDF/220KB) J1704231 JICA Hokkaido (Obihiro) Spanish Target Organization:
Central and local government agencies involved in nature conservation services

Target Group:
- Central / local government administrators having more than two years of field experience and involved in planning of protected areas and their surroundings
- Persons having academic abilities equivalent to those of university graduates
Urban / Regional Development / Other Urban and Regional Development Issues Public Participation, Consensus Building and Resettlement in Public Works Project (PDF/220KB) J1704105 JICA Hokkaido (Obihiro) English Target Organization:
Ministries in charge of planning and execution of the public works infrastructure projects

Target Group:
1.  Administrative officers engaged in the execution of public participation, consensus building and resettlement in public works projects in the related department / Ministries
2.  Have more than five years of experience


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