September 2015, Sustainable Development Goals or SDGs was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly. SDGs consists of 17goals and 169 targets including eradication of poverty and hunger, energy and climate change measures, peaceful society to realize sustainable world. SDGs pledges to should be done best toward achievement by 2030 ensuring that "No one will be left behind". Although it has been increasing the recognition of SDGs since its adoption on 2015, it has not yet been understood enough what or how to get started, so the actual activities have not very spread yet.
That's why JICA made this multimedia material, "JICA's Actions Toward Achieving the SDGs" (external link) which introduce activities by various actors including JICA so that people could get some examples for getting start with efforts of SDGs. This multimedia material is designed to be able to understand how the government, companies and individuals should be involved with SDGs respectively using only related fields of interest.
An animated cartoon of a family getting to understand sustainable future and think what they could do
Example of utilization: Educational field, Seminar for citizens
It seems that various discussion or activities about SDGs would increase in many places such as educational site, university, or citizen groups and questions would arise like "What is SDGs?" "What we should start at first?" This multimedia material would present the answers to these questions and concerns.
JOCV who is working on recycling activity with local community in the Philippines
This multimedia material includes many contents as follows: the animation describing what SDGs is clearly, the footage of JOCV working on an activity with local community, efforts of citizen groups devised to feel free to learn SDGs, so it can be expected to create an opportunity that leads each of viewers to take SDGs as their own matter and start acting.
Example of utilization: Events for developing country aid organizations / stakeholders' seminar for actors to collaborate with JICA such as enterprises and local government
The SDGs Center for Africa and JICA signed a business cooperation agreement (Director General of SDGC/A and JICA President)
Some goals and targets of SDGs have been adopted because Japan strongly insisted, like UHC. In addition, we can utilize the strengths of Japanese experience and technology, or JICA's accumulated international cooperation experience towards some of SDGs goals. Taking advantage of these strength, JICA is working towards achieving SDGs in versatile ways with various partners. JICA also support the SDGs plan formulation of developing country governments based on the relationship of trust built over many years of international cooperation.
JICA's collaboration business with private companies (Developing ecological sanitary waterless toilet system in Kenya)
This multimedia material describes with officials interview footages and understandable charts that JICA's policy on SDGs, characteristics and new examples of actions toward SDGs. By utilizing this multimedia material at events for stakeholders in developing countries and training or seminars JICA staff, private companies and local governments, stakeholders will be able to understand JICA's role and importance for achieving SDGs correctly. Furthermore, it will be expected that many actors both within and outside Japan would start taking JICA into account as a business partner.
Operation Strategy Department
SDGs Promotion Team
JICA's Actions Toward Achieving the SDGs
Regarding Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs): like many actors already started their actions both within and outside Japan, JICA has been active in various areas through innovative approaches. This DVD contains JICA's actions and concrete practices toward achieving the SDGs, such as supporting formulating national SDGs plan in developing countires, partnership with private sector, volunteer activities in overseas and so on. The DVD also contains an animated cartoons that illustrate what is sustainable development. It will be welcome that JICA and people who are engaged in development assistance deepned their knowledge related to the SDGs. Furthermore, this material can be used for JICA's PR activivites in varitey of seminars, meetings and school teachings when the theme are related to the SDGs.