Work is underway on an eight-year project to focus on Morocco’s health care system, scheduled to run from 2002 to 2010. To maximize the results, technical cooperation and grant aid projects are being developed in conjunction to meet implementation deadlines. Japanese cooperation has already facilitated Morocco in reaching the technical level required for third country training through a three-year technical cooperation project began in .2004, the Project for Improvement of Rural Maternal Health Care. That project provided support not only for facility construction, but well-planned and focused training in Japan to about 80 people through 2008. Support also came from Japanese experts whose participation ensured solid results within a short time. Present activities are focused on experts connected to the Project for the Improvement of Rural Maternal and Child Health Care. They are participating in local in-country training, third country training and supervision of Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers, organically spreading the techniques cultivated in past JICA cooperation projects to Morocco and its neighboring nations.
Experts sent by this Project are working to improve the medical care system for expectant mothers and newborn infants. The goal is to improve maternal and infant mortality rates in rural communities. Specifically, these experts started their activities in March 2008 on a two-year plan to disseminate throughout Morocco the results of past JICA technical cooperation projects: a continuing education system, mothering classes and a woman’s health handbook. They are also following-up on past grant aid projects for building construction, supply of equipment and materials, and promotion of third country training.
Based on an idea from former participants, a “Woman’s Health Handbook” was created based on Japan’s “Mother and Child Health Handbook.” Activities are underway to promote the book nationwide. It is felt that these activities are the fruit of past cooperation due to the increased independence of local counterparts.