January 25, 2022
On 25 January 2022, the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) will hand-over border surveillance and control equipment, including X-ray Baggage Scanner, Patrol Boat, Portable Raman Spectrometers, Patrol Cars, and Field Test Kits, to the Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA).
The handing over ceremony will take place at TRA Headquarters in Dar es Salaam, and will be attended by Mr. Alphayo Kidata - Commissioner General of TRA, and Mr. Yamamura Naofumi - Chief Representative of JICA Tanzania Office, witnessed by Hon. Goto Shinichi - Ambassador of Japan to the United Republic of Tanzania.
In order to further promote regional economic development through trade facilitation and secure border control in East Africa, the five East African Community (EAC) countries (i.e. Tanzania , Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, and Uganda) and Japan agreed on 09 November 2019, to implement a grant aid project called the "Project for Enhancing Trade Facilitation and Border Control Capacity in East Africa". To implement the Project, the Government of Japan allocated a total amount of JPY 351 million (equal to approx. USD 3.2 million) for that purpose.
After launching the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) in January 2021, the importance of intra-continental trade has been highlighted further, in order to achieve regional and continental economic and social development. Concurrently, proper border management shall be also considered in controlling cross-border criminals such as smuggling, and taking countermeasures against prevalence of COVID-19.
In this regard, the equipment to be handed-over above, together with the on-going TRA-JICA's Technical Cooperation Project on "Capacity Development for Trade Facilitation and Border Control in East Africa", are expected to contribute towards national security and the safety of border officers as well as promotion of regional trade.
The details of the handing over ceremony are given below:
Press Conference /Hand Over Ceremony Details | |
Date: | 25 January, 2022 |
Time: | 10:00hrs |
Venue: | TRA Headquarters |
Guest of Honor: | The TRA Commissioner General |
For more information about press conference, please contact:
Mr. Edwin Changwe
Tanzania Revenue Authority
P.O. Box 11491 Dar es salaam
Tel: 022 2119343
Mobile: 0713260844
Email: Edwin.Changwe@tra.go.tz
Mr. John Lihawa
JICA Tanzania Office
P.O. Box 9450, Dar es salaam
Tel: 022 211327/30
Mobile: 0754787666
Email: LihawaJohn.TZ@jica.go.jp
Examples of the donated equipment, i.e. Patrol Boat and Portable Raman Spectrometer.