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Project News


Alhajuela Project's Second Internal Workshop

A year has passed since the Project really started, and the activities of the 7 farmer groups organized by the Project are beginning to take concrete form.  However, the emphasis we have given to daily activities has not allowed us enough time to deeply discuss among our Project team the Project's orientation or the problematic issues that arise.  Therefore, we rented a meeting room for the 7th and 8th of April, 2008 and held the second internal workshop with all the Project staff, including the 3 Japanese experts, the Project coordinator and secretary.  (The chart below shows the themes of discussion of the workshop.)

The workshop began on time, but due to the enthusiastic discussions we ran out of time only halfway into theme No.6.  Therefore, we continued the discussions on the following Monday.  We are planning to hold a third internal workshop to monitor the implementation of the plans made in this second workshop.

Themes of Discussion of the Second Internal Workshop for the Alhajuela Project
April 7 (Monday)
8:00 1. Openning address
8:10 2. Explanation of the themes of discussion for the day
8:15 3. Confirmation of the Project's Purpose and its 6 Results
3-1 Project's Purpose and the situation of current achievements.
3-2 About the Extension Guidebook
9:15 4. Annual plan of activities of the first groups (how to lead discussions)
9:20 4-1 Annual plan of activities of the San Juan de Pequeni group
1) Situation of activities until the previous month
2) Presentation of proposed annual plan of activities
3) Creation and discussion of the plan of activities
10:10–Refreshment break
10:25 4-2 Annual plan of activities of the San Juan de Pequeni group
11:15 4-3 Annual plan of activities of the Victoriano Lorenzo group
12:05–1:00 Lunch
1:00 4-4 Annual plan of activities of the San Juan de Pequeni group
1:50 4-5 Annual plan of activities of the Victoriano Lorenzo group
2:40 4-6 Annual plan of activities of the Victoriano Lorenzo group
3:30–3:45 Refreshment break
3:45 4-7 Annual plan of activities of the Victoriano Lorenzo group
4:35 Closing of the first day

April 8 (Tuesday)
8:00 Explanation of the discussions of the day
8:15 5. Annual plan of activities of the second groups (new)
8:15 5-1 Plan of activities of the Santa Librada group
1) Summary of the group (background, analysis of problems, activity calendar, other issues)
2) Questions
8:45 5-2 Nuevo Vigía group
9:15 5-3 Peñas Blancas group
9:45 – 10:00 Refreshment break
10:00 6. Creating a training plan for group members.
10:00 6-1 Training sessions carried out until March 2008
10:30 6-2 Creating a training plan for 2008
11:45 6-3 Annual plan of activities for environmental education.
12:00 – 1:00 Lunch
1:00 7. Creating a training plan for Project personnel
2:00 8. About the baseline
2:30 9. Japan's budget for the Project for fiscal year 2008
2:50 10. ANAM's budget for the Project for fiscal year 2008
3:05 – 3:20 Refreshment break
3:20 11. Other issues
4:00 12. Closing address





(Mr. Isao SAKAI, Chief Advisor / Rural Development)


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