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Project News


Sale of Farm Products

Our Project activities are centered on the group farms.  The crops harvested from the group farms are shared among members for consumption, or part of the harvest may be sold according to the members' own decision.

The photos below are from May 6, 2008, when members from the Boqueron Abajo group went to sell their harvest.  They went to shops, restaurants and door-to-door in the neighborhood.  The produce for sale that day was cucumbers and onions.  The onions sold-out, but some cucumbers remained.  If sales are limited to the local market, the buying power of customers will be naturally limited.

Currently the groups have kept their sales activity to the local level and based on their sporadic harvests of crops. However, it is hoped that by developing the group activities that they will be able to established a system of planned farm production and sales.



(Photo 1: left) The produce for sale today is cucumbers and onions. On the right is Mr. Carlos, an extension worker.
(Photo 2: right) A sale made to a local restaurant. The restaurant owner carefully weighs the produce. The two people in the center are group members and on the right is Mr. Rudiel, our driver.



(Photo 3: left) A sale made to a shop. Do you feel a bit happy to make a sale?
(Photo 4: right) They also made direct home sales in the area.

(Mr. Isao SAKAI, Chief Advisor / Rural Development)


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