

2018年4月10日から12日にかけてカトマンズで開催された「International Conference on Water, Environment and Climate Change:Knowledge Sharing and Partnership」に、山梨大学からDr.Sadhana Shresthaと同大学に留学中のネパール人学生7名が参加し、プロジェクトに関連する次の研究発表を行いました。

1.Mr.Amit K Maharjan:"Ammonium nitrogen removal from groundwater by integrated constructed wetland reactor"
2.Mr.Anil Aryal:"Identifying potential location of hydropower sites in Bagmati River basin and estimate the total energy"
3.Mr.Bijay M Shakya:"Identification of Nitrogen contamination sources in shallow deep groundwater of Kathmandu Valley, Nepal using stable isotope technique"
4.Mr.Khadga B Shrestha:"Hidden cost for drinking water treatment in households of Kathmandu"
5.Ms.Rajani G Shrestha:"Characterization of bacterial community and detection of 16s rrna and ciab genes of arcobacter spp. in different sources of water in the Kathmandu Valley"
6.Mr.Rajit Ojha:"Water institution health inside Kathmandu Valley - a mixed qualitative approach to measure the institutional gap"
7.Ms.Sarmila Tandukar:"Quantitation of enteric viruses in river water and at wastewater treatment plants in the Kathmandu Valley, Nepal"
8.Mrs.Sadhana Shrestha:"Household water security in the Kathmandu Valley:preparing visibly quantifiable index and understanding perception"




