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Activities in Egypt

The Project for Capacity Development for Universal Health Insurance (UHI) Policy Implementation (JICA UHIA-TA)

Background and Objective

Egypt has chosen a transformational Universal Health Insurance System (UHIS) as its pathway to regulate its health service delivery system, achieving universal health coverage (UHC) and improving the health outcomes of its citizens. In January 2018, the Universal Health Insurance Law (UHIL) was decreed to guide implementation of the UHIS and to accelerate progress toward UHC in line with the health pillar of Egypt‘s 2030 Sustainable Development Vision and the Egyptian Constitution (Article 18). The UHIL envisions mandatory coverage for all citizens in the country, including vulnerable groups who will be subsidized by the government. Different stakeholders, including governmental agencies, public and private healthcare providers, and development partners, are now significant actors in maximizing the efficacy and successful implementation of Egypt's new UHIS.

The Project for Capacity Development for Universal Health Insurance (UHI) Policy Implementation (JICA UHIA-TA) is a JICA’s technical cooperation project that is jointly implemented by the Ministry of Finance (MOF), Universal Health Insurance Authority (UHIA) and JICA and was designed to assist the UHIA Headquarters and branch offices to build the capacity of their staff members to implement effective Beneficiary Management, Claim Management and Premium Collection for the Universal Health Insurance System (UHIS) in Egypt.

The health service delivery system under the UHIS in Egypt has been reformed and regulated under four independent authorities, namely, "Universal Health Insurance Authority"(UHIA), "Egypt Healthcare Authority" (EHA) and "General Authority for Health Accreditation and the Regulation" (GAHAR) and Unified Procurement Authority (UPA) have been established for managing the UHIS in Egypt.

The UHIA is one of the above newly established authorities, reporting to the Prime Minister and governed by a board of directors headed by the Minister of Finance. The UHIA is responsible especially for the financing system management of the UHIS, collection and pooling of funds for the UHIS, strategically purchasing healthcare services on behalf of its beneficiaries as well as investing its accumulated surpluses pursuant to an investment strategy. The UHIA contracts with public and private health care service providers accredited by GAHAR to render and optimize benefits to citizens.

Japan has the history of attainment of 100% population coverage by the National Health Insurance System in 1961. Since 1927 of Social Health Insurance (SHI) law in force, this public healthcare system has been continuously evolving its design due to the constant changes in population and disease structure. Based on the Japanese experience, technical cooperation activities are on the ground by the Japanese and Egyptian experts and colleagues.

Project Summary

Project Purpose:

Operational capacity of UHIA is strengthened.


Staff of Economic Justice Unit (EJU)-MOF, UHIA headquarters, Port Said and Luxor branch offices.

Project Period:

December 2021 - December 2024

Main Project Activities
[Beneficiary and Claim Management]

  1. Providing Job Skill Trainings for the branch staff (PC skills, Soft Skills)
  2. Supporting the revision of office environment by procuring necessary office equipment and 5S training
  3. Supporting the development and/or revision of SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures) on the beneficiary and claim management
  4. Developing training manuals/tools/program based on the SOPs and implementing the trainings on the beneficiary and claim management
  5. Developing training manuals/tools and implementing Training of Trainers on beneficiary management and claim preparation for health facilities

[Premium Collection]

  1. Conducting seminars in Egypt on premium collection system of other countries
  2. Implementing pilot activities to enhance enrolment and premium collection
  3. Developing the strategy for the enrolment and premium collection (focusing on informal sector)

[Policy and Dissemination]

  1. Study visits to Japan
  2. Disseminate the know-how to other Phase 1 governorates

Activity photos

Project logo and Activity Photos

PhotoProject for Capacity Development for UHI Policy Implementation

1. Joint Coordinating Committee

Photo1. The 1st Joint Coordinating Committee of JICA UHIA-TA among MOF, UHIA, JICA and other stakeholders held on 26 May 2022.

Photo2. The 2nd Joint Coordinating Committee of JICA UIHA-TA among MOF, UHIA and JICA held on 5 Dec. 2022

2. Preparation Stage of the project

Photo3. Equipment procurement (PCs for Port Said branch)

Photo4. Deep dive workshop at Port Said branch

3. Trainings in Port Said and Luxor
〈for UHIA Port Said branch staff〉

Photo5. Soft Skill training for UHIA Port Said branch staff

Photo6. PC training for UHIA Port Said branch staff

〈for UHIA Luxor branch staff〉

Photo7. Soft Skill training for UHIA Luxor branch staff

Photo8. PC training for UHIA Luxor branch staff

4. Office environmental improvement by 5S method

Photo9. 5S Kaizen group work by UHIA Port Said staff

Photo10. 5S Kaizen discussion with Japanese experts at Port Said branch

5. Standard Operation Procedure (SOP) revision and development of E-learning tool

Photo11. Discussion on Beneficiary management SOP

Photo12. Development of Claim Management E-learning tool

6. Seminars to share the health insurance system in other countries

Photo13. Seminar on Mar 2022, overview of the premium collection from the non-poor informal sector in the world

Photo14. Seminar on Sept 2022, Nationwide Scale-up of Health Insurance System: Experiences from Korea and India

7. Pilot activities to enhance enrolment and premium collection (3-in-1 campaign in Luxor)

Photo15. Teaser campaign was conducted by the PR team with some local volunteers by door-to-door approach, explaining about UHIS and encourage people to come to the campaign.

Photo16. Campaign catch copy was “WE ARE HERE, for YOU”, designed with the characteristic of Luxor citizens

Photo17. Banner of the 3-in-1 campaign to announce the citizens to come for the new registration, updating the family info and paying the premium

Photo18. Waiting area of the main campaign site. Citizens are queuing with necessary document for the new registration, updating the family info and paying the premium

Photo19. UHIA’s temporary office under the tent during the campaign

Photo20. Beneficiary dept. and Finance dept. staff are working under the tent to review the necessary document from the citizens.

Photo21. Informal sector local lady who are trying to pay the premium after the premium has been calculated by the Finance dept. staff.

Photo22. Local man who are provided with giveaways with the logo of UHIA and JICA and the slogan of “FOR ALL EGYPTIANS”.


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