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Activities in Laos

Volunteer Activities


photoJOCV in Primary School Teacherr

photoJOCV in Midwifery

The Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers (JOCVs) program has been operating in Lao PDR since 1965. Lao PDR was the first country to receive JOCVs. Like other JICA projects, the JOCV program is designed to help developing countries' economic and social development at grass-roots level. Japanese youths aged between 20 and 39 years demonstrate specific skills with volunteer spirit to work in developing countries for two years. JOCV volunteers are assigned by the bilateral agreement between the Government of Japan and that of the recipient countries.

The JOCV program enables young, enthusiastic and motivated Japanese people to contribute to social and economic development of developing countries by utilizing their knowledge and skills. Members of the JOCV program think and work together with local people in order to accomplish sustainable development for a better future. JICA believes that the JOCV program is an effective way to understand real needs of the host countries. JOCV and local people establish friendship through technical transfer and experiences in host countries.

photoJOCV in Nursing

Prior to being dispatched to recipient organizations, JOCVs take two months Lao language training as a preparation for their activities in Lao PDR. This training makes their transition to the new environment smooth.

Currently, there are approximately 50 JOCVs in Lao PDR who are sharing their wealth of knowledge and expertise in order to develop local human resources in over ten different fields including education, health, sports and agriculture. JICA will do its best to provide volunteers in other technical fields at the request of the Government of Lao PDR (GoL).

Technical Fields of Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers

  • (1) Agriculture: Rural community development
  • (2) Health: Nursing, Midwifery, Public health nursing, Laboratory, Social worker, Infection control, HIV/AIDS control and Nursing of disabled people
  • (3) Education: Mathematics, Science, Primary school teacher, PC instructor, Youth activities, Environmental education and Early child education
  • (4) Sports: Volleyball, Judo, Football and Athletics


photoSV in Judo

JICA has been dispatching Senior Volunteers (SVs) aged between 40 and 69 years to developing countries under its Senior Volunteers Program, as a part of its international technical cooperation activities. Both the number of SV and the range of their technical fields have increased over the years in order to meet the technical needs of the recipient countries. The fundamental purpose of the program is to support activities that contribute to the social and economic development of the recipient countries. Therefore, SVs who have extensive experience and expertise in a particular field are selected in order to fulfil the recognised need of the recipient countries. However, the activities of SVs not only encompass transferable skills such as building human resource capacity but also entail contact with local people at a grass-roots level, resulting in the establishment of close friendships and cultural exchanges between SVs and local people.

photoSV in Photography

The Senior Volunteer Program was established in 1998 after a bilateral agreement was reached between the Government of Japan and that of Lao PDR. According to this agreement, the Government of Japan will do its best to dispatch SVs at the request of the GoL.

logoSV in Veterinary Diagnosis

Since the first dispatch of SVs to the Lao PDR in 1999, more than 120 SVs have cooperated in sharing their wealth of knowledge and expertise in order to develop local human resources in various fields including education, vocational training, computer, public health and sports.


  • (1) Private Sector: Small and Medium Enterprises, Marketing, Quality Control, Production Management, Packaging, Food Processing, One District One Product (ODOP), Tourism & Hotel
  • (2) Vocational Training & Education: Information & Communication Technology (ICT), Electronic Equipment, Automobile, Science & Mathematics Education, Physical Education
  • (3) Basic health, Medical & Sanitation: Public Health, Nursing Management, Laboratory
  • (4) Infrastructure: Water Service, Water Treatment Plant Management, Urban Planning, Civil Engineering, Architecture, Hydroelectric Generation
  • (5) Agriculture, Forest & Fishery: Rural Community Development, Veterinary, Meteorological Doppler Rader
  • (6) Sports & Culture: Judo, Aikido, Karate, Athletic, Cultural Properties Protection, Curator


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