


JICA Niger Office
523 Rue des Lacs, PL523, Quartier Plateau, Commune 1, Niamey, NIGER

Sending Address : B.P. 10036, Niamey, NIGER

Tel : (+227) 2073-5569

How to get to the Office

When coming from the airport, you would need to take a taxi. Since taxis are not metered, you would have to negotiate the price. From the airport to the city of Niamey, the rate is around 6 000 FCFA.
If the taxi driver does not understand the address, ask him to go to ‘the Plateau area,the street behind the camp of the National Gendarmerie. Or opposite the office of « Commissariat à l'Organisation des Grands Evènements » (COGE).



History of JICA Niger Office

1965 Start of technical cooperation with Niger by Overseas Technical Cooperation Agency (OTCA), predecessor of JICA, dispatching 2 experts to Niger.
1974 Establishment of Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) in Japan.
1976 First development study starts in Niger.
1978 First Nigerian technical training participants received in Japan.
1983 Signing of the Exchange of Note to send Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers (JOCV) to Niger (May).
1984 Establishment of JOCV Niger Office (December). First group of 10 JOCV members sent (computer technology (2), math & science teaching (1), soil manure(2), blight and insects damage(1), automobile maintenance(1), veterinary(1), water & sewage(1) and Karate(1)),
2003 Status change from JOCV Office to JICA/JOCV Niger Office (May).
2004 First technical cooperation project in Niger ‘Ecole Pour Tous (School for everyone)’ starts (January).
2005 Ceremony for the 21st anniversary of dispatching JOCVs to Niger is held.
2006 Status change from JICA/JOCV Office to JICA Niger Office (April).
2011 Status change, JICA Niger office became JICA Burkina Faso liaison office.
2022 Status change, JICA Niger office became JICA Côte d'Ivoire liaison office.


17 staffs (including JICA officials)

Chief Representative: Mr. NODA HISANAO
Japanese Staff
  • Project formulation adviser (2)
National Staff
  • Administrative Officer (1)
  • Special Assistant of Project Planning & Coordination (2)
  • Logistics Agent (1)
  • Laborer (1)
  • Security Advisor (1)
  • Driver (2)
  • Security Guard (6)

As of July 2021

Related Information

Message from the Resident Representative