Nihonmatsu Training Center


Nihonmatsu Training Center

"Nihonmatsu Training Center (NTC)" was established in 1994 in Nihonmatsu city, Fukushima prefecture located about 250km north-northeast of Tokyo. Nihonmatsu is one of historical cities in Fukushima with a castle built more than 400 years ago. NTC stands half way up a volcano, Mt.Adatara.

Main function of NTC is Pre-dispatch training for "Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers (JOCV)" and "Senior Overseas Volunteers (SV)", including language training and other necessary subjects to the candidates to be dispatched to developing countries. Each training-group is 70-day period for JOCV and 35-day period for SV before volunteers, and NTC accepts 4 groups at a fiscal year.

Besides this, NTC is functioning as a coordinator to facilitate linkage between Fukushima with rich and experienced resources and developing countries through JICA Partnership Program or Training Program for Youth Leaders.
