Private Sector Development

Project NINJA

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JICA launched the Project Ninja (Next Innovation with Japan) in January 2020. It works on multifaceted support for entrepreneurs who take on the challenge of solving social issues in developing countries. NINJA's support includes entrepreneurship development activities, business matching, promotion of venture/impact investment, and policy recommendations to strengthen the ecosystem. The inclusion of "with Japan" in NINJA implies that Japan will continue to innovate with entrepreneurs in developing countries to co-create a sustainable and prosperous economy and society. In order to make a significant contribution to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), we will also promote collaboration between entrepreneurs in developing countries and Japanese companies, investors, and research institutions.

Major activities of Project NINJA

  1. Activities to raise awareness of entrepreneurship and foster entrepreneurs.
  2. Promotion of corporate collaboration by holding events in Japan and overseas.
  3. Promotion of venture investment/impact investment
  4. Dissemination of information on local startups
  5. Proposal of policies to strengthen the startup ecosystem
  6. Understanding the impact of startups

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