Signing of Grant Agreement with Mongolia : Contributing to establishment of an effective and safe vaccination system against COVID-19 through providing cold chain and medical equipment

[Goal 3] Good Health and Well-Being


On July 19, the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) signed a grant agreement with the Government of Mongolia in Ulaanbaatar City to provide grant aid of up to 883 million yen for the Programme for COVID-19 Crisis Response Emergency Support.

The programme aims to establish an effective and safe vaccination system to improve the vaccination rate in Mongolia and to contain a further spread of the COVID-19, through providing cold chain equipment such as refrigerated vaccine transport vehicles and medical equipment as promptly as possible. This programme will contribute to the achievement of SDGs Goal 3.

The programme contributes to “Last One Mile Support" by the Government of Japan for ensuring vaccination in every country. JICA will also work to apply its unique approach with capacity development through technical cooperation projects.

Details for the programme are provided below.

[Basic project information]
Country Mongolia
Project title The Programme for COVID-19 Crisis Response Emergency Support
Planned implementation period 15 months
Executing agency Ministry of Health, National Center for Communicable Diseases
Target region, facilities Nationwide
Specific project details
(1)Equipment Procurement
Cold chain related equipment (vaccine transport refrigerator vehicle, and portable refrigerators), medical waste treatment equipment (safety box), test kits and testing equipment, epidemiological survey equipment (sequencers)

(2)Consulting service / Soft component
Technical guidance for the maintenance of cold chain related equipment and epidemiological survey equipment, and procurement supervision.

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