Africa Kaizen Annual Conference (AKAC) 2021 (Open Session 24-25 August, 2021) [Submit the on-line registration form before 20th August]


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Theme: Opportunities to Accelerate Industrialization and Trade in Africa: Streamlining Kaizen/QPI with Digital Technologies, Start-ups, SMEs Development and Home-Grown Economic Activities in Africa

The Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and the African Union Development Agency (AUDA-NEPAD) and the Government of the Union of Tanzania will host the 2021 the Africa KAIZEN Annual Conference (AKAC). AKAC serves as a platform for stakeholders to expand their networks, share knowledge, and deepen their understanding of KAIZEN activities.
AKAC 2021 aims to promote and upgrade Kaizen/QPI in African countries through;


AKAC gathering