Boosting Ghana's cocoa industry: Private-Sector Investment Finance to support the growth of private sector in developing countries

Utilizing “monozukuri” capabilities of KOSEN students to resolve issues in developing countries and revitalize Japan's rural areas

The first joint program for JICA Scholars: President Kitaoka encourages participants of JICA Scholarship Program to lead the future of developing countries

Their Imperial Highnesses Crown Prince and Crown Princess Akishino grant an audience to returned JOCVs

【Nov. 19 is World Toilet Day】Reconsidering and revolutionizing toilets in developing countries

Construction of Vietnam’s first metro is on track: Providing support from railway construction to company operations and maintenance, and installation of in-station services

Satellite technology making life more convenient in developing countries: Promoting CORS utilization improves infrastructure development and autonomous vehicles

Energy efficient air conditioners in Brazil: Revising energy efficiency standards through public-private partnerships

Oct. 11 International Day of the Girl Child: Making the world a place where girls can fulfill their dreams

Don’t stop the education for children in developing countries: Despite temporarily returning to Japan, experts struggle to continue projects remotely

Great technology transfer achievements to overcome COVID-19: Opening of one of the largest underpasses in Ghana

The JDR’s experience battling infectious diseases overseas making contributions to Japan