2nd JICA-RI/KOICA Joint Workshop: "The Nexus of ODA Research and Practice"


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JICA-RI in partnership with the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) would like to invite you to the 2nd JICA-KOICA Joint Workshop. The workshop aims at exploring the roles of research at aid implementing agencies and bridging aid researches and practices, and presents the experiences of both institutions.

Date and Time: Thursday, May 23, 2013, at 15h30-17h30

Venue: Meeting Room #600, 6th Floor, JICA Ichigaya

Program: 15:30-15:35 Welcoming Remarks
●Mr. Hiroshi KATO, Director, JICA-RI
15:35-16:15 Session 1:

Role of Research at Development Aid Agency

●Mr. Han-Deog CHO, Managing Director, Department of Policy Planning, KOICA
●Mr. Naohiro KITANO, Deputy Director, JICA-RI

16:15-16:35 Session 2:
Bridging ODA Research and Practice: Case Studies

●Ms. Jiyoon KIM, Director, ODA Research Team, KOICA
●Mr. Eiji KOZUKA, Associate Professor, Hiroshima University

16:35-16:50 Tea Break
16:50-17:25 Session 3:
Future Opportunities and Challenges for ODA Research (Open Discussion)

l Ms. Kyu-Hee PARK, Deputy Director, ODA Research Team, KOICA
17:25-17:30 Concluding Remarks

●Mr. Han-Deog CHO, Managing Director, Department of Policy Planning, KOICA


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JICA Research Institute: Aikawa / Oki E-mail: ditas-rsunit@jica.go.jp TEL: +81-(0)3-3269-2959 FAX: +81-(0)3-3269-2054