JICA-RI and UNDP Held a Joint Consultation for the UNDP Human Development Report 2014


JICA-RI, as did last year, convened a joint East Asia Consultation Meeting with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Tokyo on March 25 to support the preparation of UNDP’s Human Development Report (HDR) 2014.

More than 30 specialists and experts in total joined the consultation; the distinguished participants included: Khalid Malik, Director of the UNDP Human Development Report Office; and Akiko Yuge, Director and Special Advisor to the Administrator from the UNDP Representation Office in Tokyo; Han Seung-soo, former Prime Minister of the Republic of Korea; Chalongphob Sussangkarn, former Finance Minister of Thailand; and Rizal Ramli, former Finance Minister of Indonesia. The meeting also met specialists from China, the Republic of Korea, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Malaysia, the Philippines, and other East Asian countries including Japan. JICA President Akihiko Tanaka also attended, along with former Director Akio Hosono (current Senior Research Adviser) Hiroshi Kato (current JICA-RI Director), Deputy Director Naohiro Kitano, and Research Program Division Director Go Shimada from JICA-RI.

Since its first publication in 1990, HDR has taken up a variety of the latest development issues and international trends each year. The meeting aimed at discussing the possible themes, directions, and important focal points of each theme for the 2014 Report.

With this opportunity, JICA-RI will continue to share its knowledge and experience on human development and other development themes with relevant countries in East Asia and the ASEAN region.


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