Lesson study as an approach to encourage and engage teachers in in-set training


On Friday, June 2, 2023, Mr. BONKOUNGOU Martial, agent of the Ministry of National Education, Literacy and Promotion of National Languages (MENAPLN) and recipient of a scholarship of Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) through the «SDGs Global Leader Program for Sub-Saharan African countries» made a restitution of the results of his research at the National Institute for Training of Educational Personnel (INFPE). Previously a permanent trainer at the Center-Est Regional Institute for Training of Education Personnel (Ex ENEP of Tenkodogo), Mr. BONKOUNGOU obtained his master’s degree at Naruto University of Education by developing the theme «Improvement of science teaching in primary school by the implementation of the lesson study during the pre-set training at the National Institute for Training of Education Personnel (INFPE) in Burkina Faso». Back in his country, he presented the results of his research at the INFPE where he had conducted his experiment, in order to highlight the value of its approach to improving the quality of education and allow participants to reflect and identify possible areas for reinvestment of these results to benefit as many as possible.
Presenting the burkinabè context which is marked by a low supply of in-set training and a reluctance of some teachers towards changes, Mr. BONKOUNGOU proposes, from the time of pre-set training, to activate and maintain the commitment of the teacher trainees with regard to in-set training. And the strategy he proposes is the integration of the lesson study approach into pre-set training in order to instill in all teachers, from the beginning of their careers, a reflexive attitude towards their own practices. Mr. BONKOUNGOU reviewed the various authors' comments highlighting the contribution of the lesson study to the professional development of teachers and asked how to adapt the “Lesson Study” approach in the field of basic education in Burkina Faso, especially during the pre-set training of teacher trainees. His research aimed to implement an effective lesson study practice during the pre-set training of primary teachers based on discussions, new learning and teaching methodologies in Burkina Faso.
Mr. BONKOUNGOU carried out an experimental protocol to implement the "Lesson Study" in three (03) cycles in two classes during the pre-set training of primary school teachers at IRFPE Central Plateau and also conducted a series of interviews with stakeholders at different levels.
The collection and analysis of the various data allows him to provide answers to his three (03) research questions:

1- How can the implementation of the lesson study contribute to improve the learning performance of trainees in reflective teaching practice?

For Mr. BONKOUNGOU, the implementation of the “Lesson Study” allows teachers to reflect on their approach to learner-centered teaching, including the organization of the classroom and the use of teaching materials, and how to place learners at the center of their own learning. Through this approach, teachers can engage in metacognition, or self-reflection, on their teaching practices and work to achieve optimal teaching and learning outcomes. The approach allows them to support educational enrichment to better master classroom practice.

2- How to motivate teacher trainees to collaborate for a real investment in lesson study to improve current teaching/learning practices?

Our researcher suggests to:

  • initiate a group note on the evaluation of the improved course form and launch a competition in this field;
  • integrate the lesson study as a component of the teaching unit and assign a score with a significant coefficient;
  • integrate the lesson study and practical sessions into the final exam.

3- How can the lesson study be integrated into the initial training process for teacher trainees?

For Mr. BONKOUNGOU, it will be necessary to:

  • use micro-education (a short training period during which a short teaching session will be given) and cooperative working groups ;
  • take into account cultural and contextual differences and make the necessary adjustments.
  • First introduce the Lesson Study in the General Pedagogy (PG) course in order to provide a basis and understanding of the theory, then extend the practice to all the didactic subjects taught.

Mr. BONKOUNGOU proposed as prerequisites before this integration to observe among other measures the conduct of a feasibility study and the adaptation of lesson study to pre-set training.

INFPE officials who were present at the restitution, notably Mr. Edouard KOAMA, Director General, Mr. Brahiman SAWADOGO Secretary General and Mr. Seydou SOGOBA, Regional Director of the Central Plateau, took the opportunity to congratulate to Mr. BONKOUNGOU for the quality of his work, recognize the relevance of the lesson study approach and wish that the institute’s trainers can benefit from capacity building in this regard.
JICA’s Education and Health Program Officer Kaliguetta OUIBGA thanked M BONKOUNGOU for having met this obligation of accountability and promised to continue the exchanges with INFPE in the way to examine the opportunities of possible collaboration.

Kaliguetta OUIBGA
Education and Health Program Officer




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