Update: Mass Drug Administration for Lymphatic Filariasis Campaign in WNBP ended


JICA has been implementing “The Project for Elimination of Lymphatic Filariasis Phase 2” with National Department of Health (NDOH) and other partners. This is an update report. Mass Drug Administration (MDA) for Lymphatic Filariasis in West New Britain (WNBP) ended in January 2024, doing the provincial-wise health project working in partnership with the National Health Department (NDOH), the World Health Organization (WHO), WNB Provincial Health Authority (WNBPHA), and other valued partners.

Before the MDA started, there were many difficulties, such as the delay in the arrival of medicines from overseas and the distribution of the medicine to the health facilities in hard-to-reach areas. However, we overcame difficulties and finished the MDA in cooperation with the people involved on the ground.

Health workers in the field, including those in remote areas, recorded the dosage, number of people administrated and symptoms they were living with on a reporting form and submitted it to the data management team in a tidy manner. The data management team organized by JICA worked for over a month to input the vast amount of data. Also, in response to the untreated areas during the implementation, mop-up MDA is undertaken in some spots.

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1.Reporting at Mosa Urban Clinic, Nakanai District

2. Reporting at Bola Sub Center, Talesea District

3. Reporting at Silanga Sub Center, Nakanai District

4.Data input hub in Kimbe

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