


The new administration of Myanmar, which was formed in March 2011, is furthering reforms toward democratization and national reconciliation. Given this movement, the government of Japan changed its economic cooperation policy in April 2012 so that a wider scope of people could appreciate the effects of the reforms, and has decided to expand its areas of support. In addition to the conventional fields of cooperation such as improving BHN and capacity along with providing assistance to minority ethnic groups, JICA is working to ascertain the needs for infrastructure to promote economic development, and is planning to form well-balanced projects. Specifically, JICA will continue such past assistance as measures for the three major infectious diseases (malaria, HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis), as well as implement an economic reform program as assistance to reform the economy through capacity development. JICA is also planning to provide cooperation for urban development in Yangon, along with port and transportation network infrastructure, as support that will lead to economic growth.
(In response to the situation in Myanmar since the coup d'état on February 1, 2021, no new ODA projects have been conducted, except for humanitarian assistance thorough international organizations and NGOs etc..)
