Research Seminar 2024 in the Faculty of Engineering (FEN), National University of Laos (NUOL) was successfully conducted!

The 3rd Research Seminar was organized on 20 March 2024 at the auditorium of the Electronics and Telecommunication Department, Faculty of Engineering (FEN) under the support of JICA HUGETECH Project. In total 150 participants (31 faculty members and 119 master’s degree or 4th year students) joined this event to learn and exchange knowledge on laboratory-based education (LBE) and good proposal writing for winning the competitive grant.

In the beginning, 3 professors (Prof. Abe, Prof. Yagi, and Assoc. Prof. Inaba) from the Tokyo Institute of Technology introduced the concept of LBE and actual practice at their laboratories in the panel discussion. Following this panel discussion, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Khampaseuth, Vice Dean of FEN made a presentation of FEN’s current situation and plan including the trial of introducing LBE in FEN. After LBE sessions, the actual proposal that won the UNDP grant was introduced by Dr. Sounthisack, Head of Division of the Mechanical Engineering department. Then, Prof. Abe made a presentation on how to write a good proposal for obtaining a competitive grant, reviewing Dr. Sounthisack’s proposal.

The event provided the participants with more insights on LBE and how to write a good research proposal. In Q&A sessions, there were many questions were raised and active discussions were made. The seminar ended fruitfully and productively; the audience could learn many things which they can utilize to develop their work for the betterment in the future.



