[Benin] Supporting the Growth of a Model Country for Democratization

August 14, 2019

Benin is a long, narrow West African country between Togo and Nigeria that has had changes of government through democratic presidential elections since 1990 and is well-known as a model of democratization.

To make up for the weakness of the country's principal industries of agriculture and port services being easily influenced by the weather and other countries' economies, JICA is providing cooperation on infrastructure construction, industrial development and improving the environment for citizens' lives. One of JICA's best-known projects in Benin is the Project for Extension Inland Aquaculture in Benin, Phase II, whose results have gotten attention from nearby countries. It diversifies the economy by training freshwater fish farmers while contributing to increasing the country's food self-sufficiency and reducing poverty.

Under the Project for Construction of Allada Hospital in Atlantique Region, which cooperated on building a core hospital in the region, the government praised the functionality and design of the completed hospital and it will be used as a standard specification for future base hospitals.


An extension agent for the Project for Extension Inland Aquaculture in Benin, Phase II, hear an explanation from a Japanese expert of a method for sedating parent fish.