JICA DX Vision: Creating a quality digital society where everyone can realize diverse well-being.
JICA aims to create an inclusive and sustainable society where no one is left behind, and where everyone can live a safe life and realize diverse opportunities and happiness by harnessing digital technology and data. The JICA DX Vision outlines the three transformations with nine actions to achieve this goal in the digital age.
JICA DX HOME:DX in JICA operations in developing countries
Under the JICA DX Vision, JICA is promoting the transformation of its thousands of projects in partner countries with the power of digital technology and data. Digital technology and data are essential to solving development challenges and accelerating economic growth, especially in developing countries where leapfrog change is possible. JICA is also working on digital infrastructure development, cybersecurity enhancement, and personal and institutional capacity build as the foundation for harnessing the digital technology.
JICA DXLab:Co-creation program with digital partners
JICA has launched the JICA DXLab, a mechanism that opens up co-creation opportunities in JICA programs with digital partners and enables agile technology experiments (PoC). The Lab spearheads the transformation of development cooperation that is necessarily undergoing in the digital age.