

Digital transformation in all businesses operating in developing countries

Work on global development challenges Digital Partners Wanted in JICA DXLab

To further promote JICA DX, we have launched the "JICA DXLab" for rapid and timely co-creation with digital partners with excellent technologies, and are looking for digital partners who can work with us to resolve social issues in developing countries.

JICA DXLab Project

PoC for Dhaka Metro Mobility Application

PoC for Non-Revenue Water reduction and E2E utility management with ZAWA

Forest Stack PoC for Digital Forest Health Monitoring System in Rajasthan

DPI/DPG Project

Forest Stack PoC for Digital Forest Health Monitoring System in Rajasthan

Forest Stack PoC for Carbon Credit Project Registration in Odisha

Co-create with us at JICA DX!

In order to promote JICA DX in various forms, including the JICA DXLab, JICA will form partnerships with organizations, companies, and individuals with superior digital technologies ("Digital Partners") and collaborate on various projects for developing countries.

JICA Global Agenda "Promotion of Digitalization"

One of JICA's 20 global agendas (issue-specific business strategies) is the "Promotion of Digitalization". We will effectively solve various problems and create a better society using digital technology and data. We will also work to build a free and safe cyberspace through the development of the information and telecommunications environment, human resource development, and the creation of industries that will serve as the foundation for such a cyberspace.


If you have any questions or concerns about JICA DXLab or JICA DX initiatives, please feel free to contact us.