Co-Creating with JICA through Digital Technology

In addition to the JICA DXLab, JICA offers a variety of other support and programs to promote co-creation in the digital technology with private sectors.

Participate in Support and Programs that Promote JICADX

We apply a variety of support menus according to the business stage to companies that are considering entering developing countries or training human resources. We also hold business contests, incubation programs, and acceleration programs to discover startup companies and entrepreneurs. Please check our latest news for upcoming programs.

JICA DX-Related Public Notice Projects

JICA procures projects that require the use of digital technology owned by companies. You can search JICA's public announcements of procurement projects by keywords and other information from the JICA's Public Announcements of Procurement Projects page.

Project Name theme
Survey on advancing a global, inclusive, and secure digital economy. Digital Economy and Human Resource Development
Survey on promoting the global mainstream adoption of digital transformation (DX). AI, blockchain, urban OS, etc.
Survey on establishing a telemedicine system in Ghana. Telemedicine and Medical DX


If you have any questions or concerns about JICA DXLab or JICA DX initiatives, please feel free to contact us.