JICA | HERALBONY: A Society where 8 Billion People Can “Radiate Their Unique Colors”

JICA | HERALBONY: A Society where 8 Billion People Can “Radiate Their Unique Colors”

JICA, which aims to create a society where everyone, including those with disabilities, can live with dignity, is joining forces with HERALBONY, a company dedicated to reshaping perceptions of disabilities through art-based business. Matsuda Takaya, Co-CEO of HERALBONY, and Miyazaki Katsura, JICA Executive Senior Vice President and Chief Sustainability Officer (CSO), share their insights into the values this collaboration can bring to society.

20 Years After the Sumatra Earthquake: Indonesia and Tohoku Share Disaster Memories and Lessons for Future Generations

20 Years After the Sumatra Earthquake: Indonesia and Tohoku Share Disaster Memories and Lessons for Future Generations

The year 2024 marks the 20th anniversary of the devastating Sumatra earthquake and resultant Indian Ocean tsunami, which caused unprecedented damage to the coastlines of countries around the Indian Ocean. The damage was particularly severe in Indonesia. JICA not only provided emergency assistance immediately after the disaster, but has continued to support long-term recovery and reconstruction efforts. JICA has also fostered mutual learning through collaboration with municipalities in Indonesia and those in Japan’s Tohoku region that were impacted by the Great East Japan Earthquake.

Their Majesties the Emperor and Empress of Japan Met with Returned Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers (JOCV) and Youth Volunteers for Nikkei Communities (NJV)

Their Majesties the Emperor and Empress of Japan Met with Returned Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers (JOCV) and Youth Volunteers for Nikkei Communities (NJV)

Remote Support for Mali’s “School for All”: Promoting Learning for Children in Conflict Regions

Remote Support for Mali’s “School for All”: Promoting Learning for Children in Conflict Regions

Children are being deprived of educational opportunities in growing areas of the world today due to armed conflict, both between and within nations. In the West African country of Mali, which has been in a socio-political crisis for many years, an initiative is underway to remotely implement a long-running JICA project in Africa called School for All. This article looks at the pioneering efforts the project is making in Mali ahead of World Children’s Day on November 20.

At the Frontlines of the Climate Crisis with Takanashi Sara

At the Frontlines of the Climate Crisis with Takanashi Sara

The Republic of Palau is known as a "Pristine Paradise" with its abundant sunshine and clear blue ocean, but the country is also being significantly impacted by climate change. Japanese ski jumper Takanashi Sara visited Palau to explore the sites where climate change initiatives are underway and connect with the people involved. Her visit sheds light on Palau’s efforts to combat climate change.

Japan’s Remote Data Management Support for Emergency Medical Teams in the Gaza Humanitarian Crisis

Japan’s Remote Data Management Support for Emergency Medical Teams in the Gaza Humanitarian Crisis

Over one year has passed since the escalation in the intense conflict between Hamas and Israel. As the fighting has shown no signs of abating, JICA continues its humanitarian support in Gaza, utilizing the expertise developed within the Japan Disaster Relief (JDR) Team in collaboration with the WHO. Three team members are interviewed for their support from Japan.

From a supported country to a Global Leader in Mine Action: Cambodia's Goal of a World Free of Landmines

From a supported country to a Global Leader in Mine Action: Cambodia's Goal of a World Free of Landmines

Cambodia has a history of being heavily contaminated by landmines. JICA has been supporting Cambodia for nearly 30 years in building a system that would allow the country to manage mine action on its own. Today, Cambodia is partnering with JICA to share its advanced expertise in mine action with countries facing similar challenges, such as Ukraine and several African countries.

Water Prize Laureate Oki Taikan: The Power to Engage Holds Key to a Sustainable Future

Water Prize Laureate Oki Taikan: The Power to Engage Holds Key to a Sustainable Future

University of Tokyo Professor Oki Taikan was the 2024 recipient of the Stockholm Water Prize, known as the “Nobel Prize of water.” He has long partnered with JICA to research development approaches that are resilient to climate-induced water disasters. He spoke with JICA Executive Senior Vice President Miyazaki Katsura on ways to build a more sustainable future in the face of rising climate risks.

Photo Caption: Foreign Minister Kamikawa awarding each volunteer with an individual commendation

Foreign Minister Awarded Commendations to Returning Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers

Spurring Development of Central Asia’s Human Resources and Infrastructure

Spurring Development of Central Asia’s Human Resources and Infrastructure

Japan has been supporting Central Asia’s nation-building efforts for over 30 years, since soon after the region’s five countries gained independence from the Soviet Union. JICA’s support for the region includes helping Tajikistan address climate-exacerbated water issues and promoting human resources development in Kyrgyzstan’s business sector.

JICA Volunteer Coaches Take On an Olympic and Paralympic Challenge

JICA Volunteer Coaches Take On an Olympic and Paralympic Challenge

Athletes around the world are preparing to compete in the upcoming 2024 Summer Olympics and Paralympics to be held in Paris. Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers are coaching, among others, a table tennis player from Vanuatu and a visually impaired judo player from India. We spoke to these volunteers about their coaching styles and their aspirations for the athletes at the Games.

The Japanese Initiatives That Helped to Halt Zambia’s Worst Cholera Outbreak in History

The Japanese Initiatives That Helped to Halt Zambia’s Worst Cholera Outbreak in History

Zambia’s worst cholera outbreak in history began in October, 2023. Two JICA health and medical project teams on the ground were crucial in preventing its further spread. This is the story of how two JICA health and medical project teams were crucial in preventing its spread, earning high praise from the Zambian government.