Increasing Employment for Persons with Disabilities—A Project in Sri Lanka Shows Steady Results

Increasing Employment for Persons with Disabilities—A Project in Sri Lanka Shows Steady Results

Bias and discrimination against persons with disabilities have been deeply rooted in Sri Lanka, but the attitudes toward their employment are gradually changing. One catalyst was the “Project for Promoting Employment Support of Persons with Disabilities in Sri Lanka,” started by JICA in 2021. December 3 is designated as the International Day of Persons with Disabilities by the United Nations; it is an opportunity to consider the significance of JICA’s project as well as the social issues concerning employment of persons with disabilities.

[TICAD at 30] Cooperation to meet the changing needs of the times while respecting Africa’s ownership: Interview with Mr. Yanase Naoki, Director-General of JICA Africa Department

[TICAD at 30] Cooperation to meet the changing needs of the times while respecting Africa’s ownership: Interview with Mr. Yanase Naoki, Director-General of JICA Africa Department

“TICAD at 30” is a series of articles that looks back on JICA's initiatives and looks forward to the future with Africa on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of TICAD (Tokyo International Conference on African Development). Through discussion at TICAD, JICA’s cooperation has been based on the following three pillars; i) people focused cooperation, ii) Africa’s ownership and co-creation, and iii) the utilizing of Japanese experience, to meet the challenges and needs Africa faces. In this issue, Mr. Yanase Naoki, Director-General of JICA Africa Department, explains the progress and future of JICA’s cooperation under the keywords of "peace and stability," "private sector collaboration and human resource development," and "regional integration and cooperation in Africa” with sharing his own experiences in Africa.

DRC Forest Conservation Project

[COP Special 2] Protecting the Earth through Sustainable Forest Management: DRC Forest Conservation Project

COP28, the 28th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, will be held in the United Arab Emirates from November 30 to December 12. On the occasion of this conference, we are publishing a two-part series that focuses on JICA’s cooperation on climate action. This second and final article is about a forest conservation project in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), a country with the second largest tropical forest area in the world. It is a sustainable forest management initiative that is meant to contribute to climate action and the conservation of biodiversity.

Power and Industry:  The Kumejima Model’s Potential to Revitalize Islands

[COP Special 1] Power and Industry: The Kumejima Model’s Potential to Revitalize Islands

COP28, the 28th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, will take place from November 30 to December 12 in the United Arab Emirates. The convention will focus on urgent issues concerning the increasingly severe extreme weather that is occurring on a global scale. On the occasion of this conference, we are publishing a two-part series that focuses on JICA’s cooperation on climate action. This first article is about an Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) demonstration project that is being conducted on the island of Kumejima in Okinawa. It introduces the Kumejima Model, which also promotes the development of industry by combining the uses of deep seawater. JICA is exploring the introduction of this model—which aims to balance sustainable clean energy with industrial development—to other island nations.

Their Imperial Highnesses Prince and Princess Akishino Received Returning Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers

Their Imperial Highnesses Prince and Princess Akishino Received Returning Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers

JICA’s Support for Foreign Human Resources: Benefits for Both Developing Countries and Japan

JICA’s Support for Foreign Human Resources: Benefits for Both Developing Countries and Japan

In the face of population decline and aging, Japan needs to attract human resources from abroad to keep its society and economy strong. But unless steps are taken to improve working and living conditions, migrant workers might be tempted to pursue job opportunities elsewhere. Here, Kobayashi Yosuke, senior director of JICA’s newly established Office for Foreign Human Resources, identifies the key issues in attracting foreign human resources and describes the steps JICA is taking to overcome these issues.

Their Majesties the Emperor and Empress of Japan Met with Returned Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers

Their Majesties the Emperor and Empress of Japan Met with Returned Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers

From Madagascar to the World's Big Stage! Women's National Sevens Rugby Team to Challenge for the 2024 Paris Olympics

From Madagascar to the World's Big Stage! Women's National Sevens Rugby Team to Challenge for the 2024 Paris Olympics

Development in Northeast India:  Insights from the JICA Chief Representative

Development in Northeast India: Insights from the JICA Chief Representative

Northeast India is often referred to as an “unexplored” land. But it is now the site of more than 750 kilometers of new road construction financed by JICA, meant to enhance regional connectivity and promote socioeconomic development. This construction will not only facilitate travel within the country but will also strengthen economic ties with neighboring countries such as Bangladesh. Home to majestic nature and a diversity of ethnic groups and cultures, this region also serves as an important gateway connecting India to other members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) by land. We spoke to Saito Mitsunori, Chief Representative of JICA's India Office, about the region’s characteristics and the current state of infrastructure development.

[TICAD at 30] Deepening Ties with Rising Africa: Interview with JICA President Tanaka Akihiko

[TICAD at 30] Deepening Ties with Rising Africa: Interview with JICA President Tanaka Akihiko

Launched by the Japanese government in 1993, the Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD) has been held eight times over the past 30 years. It is a forum for discussion on development cooperation with the countries of Africa that has prioritized the wishes and aspirations of the African people. In the following interview, President Tanaka Akihiko emphasizes the importance of Africa, the meaning of TICAD, and JICA’s role in strengthening ties with the continent at a time when the world confronts such compounded crises as climate change, the COVID-19 pandemic, and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

Flooded area in Pakistan.

One Year After the Pakistan Floods: How JICA’s Cooperation Resulted in a Swift Response and is Helping Develop Future Risk Reduction Plans

Between June and August of 2022, intermittent monsoon rains in Pakistan —the heaviest in the country’s history—resulted in severe flooding, impacting an estimated 33 million people. There were unforgettable scenes of people left in despair, their homes destroyed and their lands, as well as their vast fields awaiting harvest, covered with muddy water as far as the eye could see. People in socially vulnerable positions, such as those known as Female Home-Based Workers (*1), whom JICA had been supporting, found themselves in particularly challenging circumstances, having suffered significant losses, including their homes. In the wake of the floods, however, JICA was able to leverage the collaborative networks that had been built to offer rapid support to these vulnerable individuals. One year after the floods, JICA is accelerating efforts to mitigate flood risks, aiming to prevent future disasters and support the economic development of Pakistan.

Their Majesties the Emperor and Empress of Japan met with returned Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers (JOCV) and Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers for Nikkei Communities (NJV)

Their Majesties the Emperor and Empress of Japan met with returned Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers (JOCV) and Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers for Nikkei Communities (NJV)