JICA Contributes to the 7th PIDA Week as Co-organising Institution: More Than 1,000 PIDA Stakeholders Gather for Regional Integration in Africa
JICA Contributes to the 7th PIDA Week as Co-organising Institution: More Than 1,000 PIDA Stakeholders Gather for Regional Integration in Africa
Strengthen the Relationship between Japan and Laos - JICA Chair Special Lecture in Laos
Mobilizing Africa's Automotive Industry for the future: Final Seminar for Study for the Promotion of the African Automotive industry (TICAD8 Pre-Event)
Report: Online Seminar "JICA Clean City Initiative (JCCI) Kick-off International Seminar"
JICA COVID-19 Webinar Series - Sharing of Japanese Experiences - 10th Webinar
Building Health Systems toward Resilient UHC with / after the Pandemic
[Event report] JICA High-Level Side Event at Tokyo Nutrition for Growth Summit 2021
"Human Security and Nutrition - Addressing the double burden of malnutrition through the realization of collective impact-"
ASEAN Academic Conference on Disaster Health Management
JICA COVID-19 Webinar Series - Sharing of Japanese Experiences - 9th Webinar
Understanding the actual spread of COVID-19 by wastewater surveillance - Latest updates and perspectives for application in low and middle income countries -
Facilitator Workshop was held in Tehran - Project on Capacity Development for Participatory Forest and Rangeland Management in Upper Karoon Basin -
COP26 Side-Event "Technology and Data Collection for Peatlands Management"
JICA COVID-19 Webinar Series - Sharing of Japanese Experiences - 8th Webinar
"How can we rapidly and efficiently optimize the best therapeutic management for COVID-19? - Utilizing an international adaptive platform trial: REMAP-CAP - (A Randomized, Embedded, Multifactorial, Adaptive Platform trial for Community-Acquired Pneumonia)"
Series of Webinar on "Research & Development on Arid Land Agriculture in Iran and Japan" was successfully implemented !
Online Training Seminar on Energy consumption test methods for household refrigerators
-The Project for Developing Effective Phasing Out Strategy/Program of Inefficient Appliances to Support Energy Standards and Labeling Regime in The Islamic Republic of Pakistan-
[Philippines - Mindanao] Bangsamoro Idea Challenge
JICA-MRMO to hold the second national webinar on "Sustainable Waste management"
Africa Kaizen Annual Conference (AKAC) 2021 (Open Session 24-25 August, 2021) [Submit the on-line registration form before 20th August]
Opportunities to Accelerate Industrialization and Trade in Africa: Africa Kaizen Annual Conference 2021was organized by JICA and NEPAD.
JICA COVID-19 Webinar Series - Sharing of Japanese Experiences - Seventh Webinar "To Realize Unknowns About COVID-19 Vaccines"
JICA COVID-19 Webinar Series - Sharing of Japanese Experiences - Sixth Webinar "Response to COVID-19 by Public Health Centers in Japan: Contributions and Challenges"
Iran: The Series Seminar on " Sustainable Development of Marine Cage Culture " for Iranian Fishery Organization was held successfully!