JICA COVID-19 Webinar Series - Sharing of Japanese Experiences - 3rd Webinar "COVID-19 Case Management In Japan"
JICA COVID-19 Webinar Series - Sharing of Japanese Experiences - 3rd Webinar "COVID-19 Case Management In Japan"
Participation in the Human Capital Project Global Forum hosted by the World Bank Group
Seminar Report 'Startups in AFRICA - the grand final of the NINJA business plan competition'
JICA COVID-19 Webinar Series - Sharing of Japanese Experiences - 2nd Webinar "Japan's Public Health Approach for COVID-19 -past, present, and future-"
JICA COVID-19 Webinar Series - Sharing of Japanese Experiences - 1st Webinar "Prevention and Control Strategies for SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Hospitals"
Director General for Latin America and the Caribbean, Mr. Satoshi Yoshida participated in the Inter-American Dialogue's Online Seminar "Leveraging Japan-Latin America and Caribbean Relations Post COVID-19"
JICA held an Online-Seminar with the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) "BOSAI and Beyond: Building Disaster Resilient Cities"
President KITAOKA and OTA Yuki Appear in Special Event on Sports and Development at the Finance in Common Summit!
Finance in Common Summit -President KITAOKA leads discussions on new roles of development banks in sports and human security efforts -
How do we face and minimize the impacts of COVID-19 in public infrastructure projects?
JICA Senior Vice President Nakazawa Discusses "COVID-19, The Developing World, and East Asia's Response" During Webinar Hosted by Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS)
African Leadership Fighting Against COVID-19 - Webinar Hosted by Center for Global Development (CGD)
JICA President KITAOKA gave a talk at an online seminar "Why International Cooperation is Essential in the Age of COVID-19" organized by SDGs Promise Japan
The 2nd Forum of JICA Platform for Food and Agriculture (JiPFA)
Impacts of COVID-19 in the Agricultural and Food Sectors of Developing Countries and Directions for the Future Support
JICA Vice President Toda holds discussions at a webinar "Japan's Response to Covid-19 and Potential Lessons Learned for Latin America" hosted by the Center for Strategic International Studies (CSIS)
Brazil × Japan - Clinical Conference on COVID-19 Cases -
ILO and JICA Co-organized Online Study Session on Child Labour and Business
- Promoting the understanding on business and human rights focusing on child labour issues -