Hokuriku Center


Hokuriku Center

Thank you very much for coming to JICA Hokuriku's HP!!

JICA Hokuriku Center (JICA Hokuriku) is located in middle of Japan and is composed of three prefectures, Ishikawa, Toyama and Fukui. All of three prefectures are famous for rich nature, manufacturing and good sea food. Especially in winter time, we have a lot of snow.

Our main projects are below:

  • Training Program as KCCP(Knowledge Co-Creation Program) and long-term training
    -About 250 training participants invited from Asia, Africa, Central and South America, studying subject matters and visiting related sites in Hokuriku.
  • Partnership Program with Other Donor Organizations
    -Solving Problems in Developing Countries by utilizing knowledge and know-how that Local Governments, University, NPO, in Hokuriku region.
  • Volunteer Program
    -Sending Volunteers (20-39 years), Senior Volunteer (40-69 years) to developing countries.
  • Development Education
    -Implementing Related Seminars, Lectures, Study Tours for deepening Citizens' understanding on International Cooperation and Global Issues.
  • Public-Private Partnerships
    -Promotion of understanding of JICA's Support Programs for Japanese Small & Medium-sized Entrepreneurs' (SMEs) Embarkation to Developing Countries and consultation for their project formulation.

We are trying to connect people in Hokuriku area to deep citizen's understanding on International Cooperation.