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Activities in Iran

5 Priority Fields

Disaster Prevention

Tehran is located in the world's most active seismic belt that produces a severe earthquake once in every150 years or so. More than 150 years have already passed since the last big earthquake in 1830. JICA has conducted the Study on Seismic Microzoning of the Greater Tehran Area (1999-2000), which concluded that a severe earthquake could cause large numbers of casualties in the worst scenario. JICA then implemented The Comprehensive Master Plan Study on Urban Seismic Disaster Prevention and Management for the Great Tehran Area (2002-2005), which formulated a systematic seismic disaster management plan in three phases -- namely, a normal situation, emergency response, and rehabilitation and reconstruction. Moreover, the 2003 Bam earthquake that killed more than 26,000 people stressed the importance of the emergency response system.

In order to improve the emergency response system, especially for the first 72 hours after an earthquake, the government of Iran requested JICA to conduct a new project for the improvement of emergency response after an earthquake.

Country-focused Training Program (PDF/63KB)

Site survey
The ceremony for the donation of the water
reservoir and the supply system in Bam

The damage by the Bam earthquake
The project office


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