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JICA Philippines Office

Assistance Schemes for NGOs

JICA welcomes in-depth grassroots collaboration of the sort that fulfills the needs of ordinary people in developing countries, especially projects which bilateral governmental programs cannot reach effectively, such as those with strong focus on health, education, livelihood and the environment.

1. Technical Cooperation for Grassroots Projects (TCGP)

The Technical Cooperation for Grassroots Projects (TCGP) Scheme was introduced in 2002 to support the implementation of projects formulated by Japanese NGOs, local governments and universities who wish to utilize their accumulated knowledge and experience in assisting developing countries. This is the main scheme implemented by JICA for Japanese NGOs, local governments, and universities. Local NGOs in recipient countries may engage in this scheme by being the counterpart of these Japanese organizations or as beneficiaries of the project.

Three Types of Application

About Japanese local government or university contributing to development of developing countries Japanese development partners such as NGOs, universities and public interest corporations, with little experience in international cooperation Japanese development partners such as NGOs, universities and public interest corporations, with extensive experiences in international cooperation
Qualification By using regional technology and experience Their first step toward international cooperation Japanese development partners such as NGOs, universities and public interest corporations, with extensive experiences in international cooperation
Application information
  • Application is accepted and selected once a year
  • Projects to be completed within 3 years
  • Projects planned mainly with dispatch of experts and/or invitation of trainee to Japan
  • Application is accepted and selected year round
  • Projects to be completed within 3 years
  • Maximum project funding of 10 million yen within 3 years
  • Application is accepted year round, but selection is made twice a year
  • Projects to be completed within 3 years
  • Maximum project funding of 50 million yen within 3 years

Outline of Application Process

  1. Select projects from the proposals submitted by various Japanese NGOs, universities, and local government units
    1. Applications and proposals for projects can be submitted year-round or by invitation, depending on the type of project (regional, support, or partnership type)
    2. It is recommended to consult to the nearest JICA Domestic Office about the proposed project
    3. If accepted, it will be implemented under the Technical Cooperation for Grassroots Project (TCGP) scheme.
  2. Obtain approval from the recipient country's government and counterpart organization to implement the project
  3. Sign Minutes of Meeting between parties involved. The JICA Domestic Office will be in-charge of monitoring the project
  4. Implement the project within the specified duration
  5. Share results and impact of the project to the public

2. Other NGO Support Programs under Japanese ODA

A. Grant Assistance for Grassroots Human Security Projects (GGP)

Japan's Grant Assistance for Grassroots Human Security Projects (GGP) was launched in 1989 to support small-scale projects directly benefiting the grassroots level as well as contributing to the socio-economic development of the Philippines. Local Government Units (LGUs), educational, research and medical institutes (except national based like tertiary hospitals and state colleges), Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), People's Organizations (POs), and cooperatives are eligible recipients of GGP. The Embassy of Japan in Manila accepts applications for GGP (at the Economic Section). More information about GGP is available at the following link:

B. Grant Assistance for Cultural Grassroots Projects (GACGP)

NGOs, Research/Educational Institutions, Local Government Units and Government Agencies who wishes to implement projects related to education and culture are recipients/eligible institutions in GACGP. More information about GACGP is available at the following link:


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