[Invitation to the JICA Tokyo ex-participants]
Please let us know what you have been up to recently, together with your message to the friends in Japan and other alumni.
We would like to inform that some JICA alumni kindly sent us their own stories after the training program at JICA Tokyo.
Their stories/messages were shared on our Facebook page!
For your reference, we would like to show you the following pictures in their activities with special thanks.
(2)Dr. Gilbert Duane Masona from Eswatini
message from alumni in the past
(3)Ms. fatmaa gomaa gaber said from Egypt
message from alumni in the past
Likewise, we would like to hear about your progress and present status after the training program at JICA Tokyo and share it on our Facebook page! We believe that your message will encourage other JICA alumni and help build connections between participants in different training years/ programs by sharing your stories!
Please fill out the questionnaire specified in the link below in order to share your progress and present status. Please note that we will use your post to create our PR article.
We also expect you to send a few pictures(photos) of you at work by E-mail(as we cannot receive them in the questionnaire above) to jicatic@jica.go.jp, together with their information/caption (*JICA will use your pictures on our official website, leaflet, and other publicity items.)
You are welcome to send your message anytime, however, for the managerial reasons, we will appreciate it if you kindly send us the message by the end of March, 2023.