Established in 2002, the JICA Yokohama Center (JICA Yokohama) is located in Yokohama, a suburb of the Tokyo Metropolitan Area famous for its international port and atmosphere. The center has several functions, including providing training programs. We receive approximately 700 participants from more than 90 countries every year.
Another one of the center's roles is to educate and encourage Japanese citizens to participate in development programs (JICA Partnership Programs), such as Grass Roots Technical Cooperation projects that are initiated by local governments, universities and NGOs. A relatively new role the center has taken on is to support private Japanese companies, especially small and medium-sized enterprises, in expanding their business in developing countries, which contributes to solving local problems with Japanese technology.
One of the unique features of the JICA Yokohama International Center is the Japanese Overseas Migration Museum hosted in the building. Yokohama was a major port of departure for many Japanese people emigrating to the Americas, including Hawaii, between the late 19th century and the early 20th century. Visitors to the museum can learn the history of Japanese emigrants and the activities of overseas Nikkei communities today.