Overview of the Scholarship for Nikkei Communities in Latin America and the Caribbean: Program for Developing Leaders in Nikkei Communities

1. Aim of the Program

The aim of this program is to assist Japanese emigrants in their resettlement efforts and to help them establish their lives overseas by nurturing future leaders among Nikkei communities. To this end, the program gives an opportunity of studying abroad in Japan to Japanese emigrants and their descendants living in Central, South America and the Caribbean. This program is open to those Nikkei who have been admitted to study at a graduate school in Japan, including individuals who wish to do so. This program provides support from the time of application to the completion of the degree program, as well as allowances for accommodation and tuition fees, etc. It has been implemented since FY2000.

Exchange of ideas on expanding the network of the Nikkei
community at the twice-yearly international student seminar

Nikkei students from Argentina, Paraguay, Brazil, Peru, and Mexico

2. Participating Countries (11 countries)

Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, Venezuela

3. Expected Number of Participants

Approximately 10 participants.

4. Fields of Study

Areas of research that can benefit the economic and social development of Nikkei
communities and the countries they reside.

5. Applicant Eligibility

To be eligible for this program, applicants must meet all of the following requirements.

6. Period of Allowance Provision

7. Seminar for International Students

Since FY2013, a foreign student seminar has been held in March every year for all scholarship recipients of the program, providing an opportunity to strengthen their identities as leaders of Nikkei communities and to deepen bonds with other foreign students. In addition, since FY2016, the seminar has been held in conjunction with the Convention of Nikkei and Japanese Abroad in October, providing an opportunity to gather all the international students at the same time twice a year.

8. Recruitment scholarship student for FY2025

The application for the 2025 fiscal year has closed. Thank you for your submissions.

Application period: From July 1, 2024 (Monday) to September 24, 2024 (Tuesday) * Application documents must arrive by this date.
(Note) For details, please refer to the application guideline and form documents below.

When contacting the university of your choice by e-mail, please be sure to mention that you are applying for the JICA Nikkei Leader Scholarship.

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