Top 100 Women Of Worth Belize 2022, Ms. Marvia Corina Dubon


JICA Belize office is honored to present our national staff; Mrs. Marvia Corina Dubon, has been selected as the Top 100 Women Of Worth Belize 2022 !

"The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain" -Marvia Corina Dubon-

Mrs. Marvia C. Dubon is a role model to many women in Belize and beyond our borders. Her love and passion for her multiple careers over the past 30 years , including her position at Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA Belize), have opened doors for her various opportunities. Mrs. Dubon has worked hands-on on numerous projects with diverse people.

Through her dedication, she has touched and inspired the live's of many, serving her country and her people by lifting others in times of struggle. Many tangible outcomes are realized with her network, knowledge and enthusiasm. Mrs. Dubon's engagement to JICA Belize in 2018 were most prominent. Her diligence caused developments in follow-up cooperation of agricultural cooperatives and improvement of their management capacity, revitalization of JICA alumni association, as well as JICA chair at the University of Belize to name a few.

We proudly announce Mrs. C. Dubon is a Woman to Worth!

Her dedication and contribution as a wife, mother, counselor and Program Officer at JICA has enabled her to reach out to benefit others without measure.

Her goal every day is to find a rainbow even if the storm is out!


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