Early Warning and Response Socialization Activity for Puskesmas and Hospitals in PPU District, East Kalimantan in preparation for the relocation of the capital to IKN
On November 2, 2023, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), in collaboration with the Indonesian Ministry of Health, conducted a socialization activity for the Early Warning and Response Capacity Strengthening Project for Infectious Diseases (EWARS).
The activity was held at the District Health Office (DHO) in Penajam Paser Utara (PPU) Province, East Kalimantan, and was attended by a total of over 20 participants, including doctors and surveillance officers from Puskesmas in the PPU District and hospital surveillance officers.
This activity is designed to improve the quality of EWARS using the flipchart created by the MoH and JICA.
dr. Triya Dinihari, head of surveillance working team of the Ministry of Health; dr. Yulia Zubir, surveillance working team; Mr. Mu'allimin, acting director of the PPU DHO; and Ms. Temu A'mud, Chief of the Disease Prevention and Control Division of PPU DHO, and Dr. Tsuboi, Chief Advisor of JICA EWARS, also participated in the session.
PPU District will be the relocation site for the new capital city. Thus, the PPU District is predicted to experience an increase and change in infection trends in the future due to environmental changes and population growth, and this training is intended to strengthen the capacity of medical institutions for early warning and response in advance.
After attending a lecture on the importance and significance of integrating prevention, early warning, and response, participants were instructed on how to report more quickly and accurately based on data reported in the PPU provinces.
Furthermore, after a lecture on the contents and use of the SKDR/EWARS flipchart created by the MoH and the Project, the participants were divided into the roles of patient, doctor, and surveillance officer, and role-played the examination and report.
JICA hopes that this activity will help PPUs to report data quickly and accurately, more sensitive to catch the suspected cases and respond it quickly. We do hope the positive impact will spread to other areas. We thank all participants for their active participation.
Ms. Kiki, Senior Health Officer, is giving a lecture on SKDR flipchart
Dr. Tsuboi, Chief Advisor of JICA EWARS; Mr. Mu'allimin, acting director of the PPU DHO; Ms. Temu A'mud, Chief of the Disease Prevention Team of the Insurance Office; dr. Yulia Zubir, surveillance working team of the Ministry of; dr. Triya Dinihari, head of the Surveillance working team of Ministry of Health (from the left)
Conducting a role-play training session