MTCP-JICA Cooperation Meeting and Workshop Japanese Fiscal Year (JFY) 2021 through South-South Cooperation


On 28th March 2022, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA), Embassy of Japan and JICA Malaysia Office held the MTCP-JICA Cooperation Meeting hosted by the International Cooperation and Development Division (ICADD), MFA Malaysia.

The meeting reviewed the past Third Country Training Program (TCTP) as well as implementation issues in conducting TCTP. In JFY2021, Training Institutions (TI) namely CIAST, SEAMEO RECSAM, DOSH, MIDA, MPC, MTA and SME Corp successfully conducted seven (7) online TCTP courses totalling 79 participants from various African and Southeast Asian countries. The meeting also overviewed future TCTP courses conducted in JFY2022. Both sides also agreed to explore new programmes as well as tripartite training programme for Palestine for 2023.

This year marks the 40th anniversary of Look East Policy (LEP) and the 30th anniversary of MTCP-JICA Cooperation in Malaysia. Both sides agreed to commemorate these anniversaries by holding various related events such as registering all TCTPs as the 40th anniversary event.

The cooperation meeting indeed produced a fruitful result with all parties agreeing to strengthen the collaboration in making it more impactful programmes for the future.


Miss Hafizah Abdullah, Undersecretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Malaysia and Mr Takizawa Masahiro Chief Representative of JICA Malaysia Office at the Cooperation Meeting


MTCP-JICA Cooperation Meeting between MFA Malaysia, JICA Malaysia Office and Embassy of Japan in Malaysia

Meanwhile, the TCTP Workshop was organized for TIs on the following day after the MTCP-JICA Cooperation Meeting. Co-hosted by MFA Malaysia and JICA Malaysia Office, Ms Farah Fazarina Mohamad, MFA, Ms Umme Aiman Siddiqi and Mr Zenjiro Egawa from JICA Malaysia office had delivered a briefing on the Cooperation Meeting as well as updating the outcomes of the implementation of all the TCTPs training courses conducted in 2021.

This followed by Datin Prabha Latchumy from MPC who shared important topics on managing TCTP programs and lessons learnt from virtual TCTP in 2021 and advantage of using social media. At next session, Mrs Shamsiah Sarkawi from CIAST delivered a briefing using the online learning tools.

In the afternoon, case study session on TCTP was conducted such as project management, platform on Internet of Things (IoT, an e-learning tool) and online training, presentation of module, participant management and programme effectiveness .The TIs divided into five (5) groups discussed on managing the challenges and finding solutions when conducting the online training courses.

The outcome of the TCTP Workshop proved to be beneficial to all participants who had attended the workshop. The active participation among the TIs, together with Miss Hafizah Abdullah, Undersecretary of ICADD, MFA Malaysia and Mr Takizawa Masahiro, Chief Representative, JICA Malaysia Office, by sharing their views throughout the workshop has imposed great impact at the Workshop. The knowledge and experiences sharing by the TIs had motivated all the participants in planning and facilitating the coming TCTP online trainings for the year 2022.


Participants group photo from MFA, JICA and Training Institutes of TCTP


Case study on challenges and solutions presented by each group during the TCTP Workshop

MTCP-JICA Cooperation Meeting
Venue Selangor
Date 28 March 2022
Participants Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Embassy of Japan, JICA Malaysia Office
Venue Selangor
Date 29 March 2022
Participants Ministry of Foreign Affairs , JICA Malaysia Office, 10 Training Institutes
1. CIAST Capacity Development for Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) 11-29 October 2021 3
2. SEAMEO RECSAM Fostering Stem Education To Promote Successful Learning In Science And Mathematics Classrooms 18-29 October 2021 10
3. DOSH Occupational Safety And Health Management For Asian Countries 25-29 October 2021 11
4. MIDA Investment Promotion For African Countries 8-12 November 2021 25
5. MPC Enhancement Of Productivity And Competiveness Through Kaizen Approach For African Countries 8-15 November 2021 19
6. SME CORP SME Development for African Countries 7-10 March 2022 5
7. MTA Tax Administration 7-11 March 2022 6

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