For the sustainable development of Mozambique
Mozambique has recently achieved a relatively high annual economic growth after the COVID-19 pandemic that occurred in 2020 and has gradually recovered its damage. However, poverty reduction, creation of job opportunities and income generation are still limited. Therefore, it is categorized as one of the lowest income countries and the least developed countries. Its Gross National Income (GNI) per capita is USD440 and the Human Development Index (HDI) is 183rd out of 193 countries.
Although Mozambique is facing several challenges, it is a country with a high potential for future development, taking into consideration its important location for world trade, its human capital, and its abundant natural resources such as coal, natural gas, etc.
JICA opened its office in Maputo in April 2003. Since then, there have been cooperation programs in various sectors: Human Development through strengthening health and education systems; Agricultural Development through assistance to small farmers; Economic Growth through promoting private sector development as well as improving socioeconomic infrastructure, such as roads, ports, power; Water supply systems and Climate Change. In recent years, JICA has focused its efforts not only on the development of the northern part of the country for mitigating inequality, but also on the development of Maputo Metropolitan Area for alleviating new challenges associated with its urbanization resulting from the rapid growing of population.
JICA Mozambique has particularly contributed to building relationship of trust through institutional and interpersonal interactions. Here are some of the cumulative numbers of the people involved in our cooperation activities in Mozambique: 17,000 Mozambicans trained mainly in Japan, 2,500 Japanese experts and volunteers dispatched. Additionally, the amount of Japan’s Official Development Assistance has reached USD 1.9 billion.
Finally, I hope JICA Mozambique will continue to contribute to Mozambique’s sustainable development through our unique cooperations and close collaboration with the partners in Mozambique.
Chief Representative
JICA Mozambique