JICA Technical Advisor to Federal Ministry of Industry, Trade, and Investment (FMITI) host a One-Day Post Study Tour Workshop
The JICA Expert to FMITI, Mr. Toshihisa Hasegawa on the 19th January 2022 hosted a one-day Post-study tour Workshop at Bolton White Hotel, Abuja. The Workshop was aimed to discuss 9findings made by 22 youth professionals from the FMITI that visited the CFAO Yamaha Motor Nigeria Limited and Honda Manufacturing (Nigeria) Limited on 9th and 10th December 2021 and come up with recommendations that can be forward to the Nigerian government through the FMITI. The Workshop at the end, recommended that there is a need for immediate review of some existing policies and their enforcement; improvement of power supply to industrial clusters and enhanced coordination within relevant institutions with a view to ease ways of doing business and attract investment in Nigeria that will lead to mutual benefit for both Nigeria and Japan business investors.