Major Projects
(TCP: Technical Cooperation Project, PA: Policy Advisor, GA: Grant Aid, TCDP: Technical Cooperation for Development Planning)
- (TCP) Palestine - Japan Education Cooperation for mathematics and science Curriculum Development - PAJEC
- (GA) Establishment of New Schools in the West Bank (Completed)
- Report [Outline Design Study on the Project for Establishment of New Schools in The West Bank]
- (TCP) Improving Maternal and Child Health/Reproductive Health in Palestine - Phase 2 (Completed)
- (TCP) Improving Reproductive Health with a special focus on Maternal and Child Health in Palestine - Phase 1 (Completed)
- (TCP) Improvement of Local Finance System in Palestine (Completed)
- (PA) Improvement of Local Governance System - Phase 2 (Completed)
- (PA) Advisor on Local Governance System in Palestine (Completed)
- (TCP) Improvement in Local Governance System in Palestine (Completed)
- (TCP) Refugee Camp Improvement Project in Palestine
- (GA) Support for the Public Activities of the Communities in Jordan Valley (Completed)
Energy and Mining
- (GA) Introduction of Clean Energy by Solar Electricity Generation System (Completed)
Private Sector Development
- (PA) Capacity Development for Sustainable Tourism Development through Public Private Partnership
- (GA) Construction of the Protective Shelter and the Presentation of the Great Bath at Hisham's Palace, Jericho
- (TCP) Strengthening Incentive Service and Management Function for Jericho Agro-Industrial Park
- (TCP) Business Development Service (BDS) Enhancement for MSMEs
- (TCP) Sustainable Tourism Development through Public Private Partnership - Phase 2 (Completed)
- (TCP) Institutional strengthening of PIEFZA for the agro-industrial park in Jericho (Completed)
- (TCP) Sustainable Tourism Development in Jericho through Public Private Partnership (Completed)
- (TCDP) Feasibility Study on Agro-Industrial Park Development in Jordan River Rift Valley (Completed)
- Final Report Summary
- Final Report Vol. 1
- Final Report Vol. 2 (1/2)
- Final Report Vol. 2 (2/2)
Agricultural and Rural Development
- (TCP) Improved Extension for Value-added Agriculture - EVAP Phase 2
- (TCP) Improved Extension for Value-Added Agriculture in the Jordan River Rift Valley (Completed)
- (TCP) Strengthening Support System Focusing on Sustainable Agriculture in Jericho and Jordan River Rift Valley (Completed)
- (TCDP) Feasibility Study on Water Resources Development and Management in Jericho and the Jordan River Rift Valley (Completed)
Urban/Regional Development
- (TCDP) Jericho Regional Development Study Project in Palestine (Master Plan) (Completed)
- Final Report Summary
- Final Report Main Report
- Final Report Jericho City urban development plan
Environmental Management
- (TCP) Technical Assistance and Capacity Building Project for the Jericho Sanitation Project
- (TCP) Technical Assistance in Solid Waste Management in Palestine
- (GA) Improvement of Solid Waste Management in the West Bank (Completed)
- (GA) Jericho Wastewater Collection, Treatment System and Reuse Project (Completed)
- (TCP) Capacity Development on Solid Waste Management in Jericho and Jordan River Rift Valley in Palestine (Completed)