Japanese Volunteer Boosts Blind Welfare Members Via Shiatsu Massage Training


As part of a revenue generating initiative by the Saint Lucia Blind Welfare Association (SLBWA), a Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteer (JOCV), Mr. Akira Tsunakawa is teaching shiatsu, (a Japanese massage technique) to blind and visually impaired students. Mr. Tsunakawa, who is totally blind, is a teacher of oriental medicine and has worked with the Yokohama School for the Blind for over 25 years. He is now sharing his vast experience and expertise in shiatsu techniques from his hands to those of his students.

His mission is to provide the students with shiatsu training to become professional shiatsu therapists. The classes are four times a week from Monday to Thursday and will last for one year. Students are also learning anatomy and physiology as part of the training. The class includes five blind and partially sighted students who have had to wait approximately two years for this valuable opportunity due to the COVID-19 pandemic.


Shiatsu Massage Training

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