Major Projects
(TC: Technical Cooperation, GA: Grant Aid, ODA: ODA Loan)
Priority Area 1 - Promotion of Economic Integration within the Southern African Region
Infrastructure Development (Transportation)
- (GA) Project for the Road Improvement of the Northern Part of the North-South Corridor
- (TC) The Project for Capacity Development on Smooth operation of OSBPs on the North- South transport Corridor
- (TC) The Project to Promote Geospatial Data Utilization Including Data Update by Science, Technology and Innovation (STI)
Priority Area 2 - Effective Utilization of Resources
Agriculture / Rural Development
Priority Area 3 - Assistance for Human Security of People with Poverty
- (TC) Quality Improvement in Health Sector through 5S-Kaizen-TQM method
- (TC) Quality Improvement through the 5S-Kaizen TQM (Country-focused Training)
Other Past Projects