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Outline of the Project


Project for Improvement of District Health Management capacity in South Sulawesi Province)



Project Site

Barru District, Bulukumba District and Wajo District (three districts)

See "Map".

Term of Cooperation

From February 2007 until February 2010(three years)


LogoLogo of Counterpart

South Sulawesi Provincial Government (Bureau of Health and Regional Development Planning Board) and Target District Governments (Bureau of Health and Regional Development Planning Board)


Indonesia has been successful in improving national welfare level, however, there have been widening development gaps between regions. Most notably, eastern Indonesia is behind the national average, and thus it is a national priority to boost development of this region. South Sulawesi, the hub of eastern Indonesia, plays strategically a critical role in social and economic development of the least developed region of the country.

While improvement of health status of South Sulawesi is steady, it is still poor with an IMR of 47 per 1,000 live births higher than the national average of 35 (2002-2003, Indonesia Health & Demographic Survey). Various health programs have been introduced by the government supported by multiple assistance to the province over time. However, it is needed to establish a better model of health promotion. In response to the request of JICA assistance by the South Sulawesi Provincial Government, this technical cooperation program has been designed and started in February 2007. PRIMA Kesehatan is to provide one option of participatory model to link the health administrative system and civil society by activating Health Councils (K3) and facilitating stakeholders at all the levels of districts, sub-districts, and villages, in line with the concept of "Healthy Indonesia 2010" and "Desa Siaga (Alert Village)".


Overall Goal : Management capacity and service delivery in the health sector of target districts is improved.

Project Purpose : Community-centered primary health care improvement (PHCI) model is developed in target districts.


  1. The quality and quantity of community-centered health activities is improved through community participation.
  2. The quality of health care services of Health Center (Puskesmas) in the pilot sub-districts is improved.
  3. Health management capacity of the target districts is improved to conduct PHCI activities.
  4. Provincial capacity of facilitating good primary health care practice is improved.


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