1. Scheme
Technical Cooperation
2. Counterpart Organization
Department of Transport (DoT)
3. Project Duration
2014/1 ~ 2017/3
4. Introduction
PNG is composed of more than 600 small and large islands with steep mountains, rushing rivers and deep rain forests. Due to such unique landscape, there are many missing links in main highway networks. In this background, movement of people and goods relies on maritime transport since land transport system remains undeveloped. Even now, 15 provinces out of 22 in total in PNG are defined as "Maritime Province" where 59% of the population do not have access to land and air transportation and depend on maritime transportation.
From the viewpoint of administrative capacity, some regulatory functions have been delegated from DoT to PNG Ports Corporation Limited (PNGPCL) and National Maritime Safety Authority (NMSA) which results in confusing government's responsibilities as well as complicating decision making process. Under such circumstances, DoT placed a policy to reinforcing the organizational power and capacity.
This project aims at implementing national port administration smoothly through the development of capacity of the project team which is specially mobilized by 6 to 8 personnel from DoT and PNGPCL as a main counterpart. JICA experts provide various training sessions with developing training materials for the project team to conduct technology transfer of the basic knowledge on national port administration to be held as national government agency. The training will be implemented continuously through the project period at the DoT office, rural port facilities in PNG and also in Japan and in a third country.
5. Target Provinces
15 Maritime Provinces
(Western Province, Gulf Province, National Capital District, Central Province, Milne Bay Province, Oro Province, Morobe Province, Madang Province, East Sepik Province, West Sepik Province, Manus Province, New Ireland Province, East New Britain Province, West New Britain Province, the Autonomous Region of Bougainville)
6. The Snapshots of the Project
Mr. Shigeru Sugiyama (right), Chief Representative of JICA PNG Office, and Mr. Roy Mumu (left), Secretary of DoT, agreed on the frame work of this project. Finally, they concluded the Record of Discussion (R/D) on 24/Sep/13.
The first project's kick-off meeting was held on 17/Feb/14. The work plan of this project was approved in the meeting between Mr. Mumu and JICA expert team led by Mr. Michiharu Nose. JICA awarded the service of this technical cooperation project to the Overseas Coastal Area Development Institute of Japan (OCDI).
The first workshop for national port administration was held on 06/Mar/14 with the attendance of project manager Mr. Charles Siniu (First Assistant Secretary, Maritime Transport Division, DoT) and the project team.
The first seminar of National Port Administration was held on 20/Aug/14. Mr. Tomita is giving his presentation of Port Administration in Japan.
The counterpart training in Japan was conducted for two weeks from the beginning of October 2014. This training provided four participants with good opportunities to think about the difference of port administration between PNG and Japan.
The project team member is conducting port facility survey for collecting basic port information with the support of JICA experts.
The project team member is measuring the depth of water on the occasion of port facility survey.
The 2nd JCC was held on 19/Nov/14 chaired by the Secretary of DoT. JCC members approved the draft 1st Project Progress Report.