Advisors and Senior Volunteers for Papua New Guinea Investment Promotion Authority

1. Scheme

Technical Cooperation

2. Counterpart Organization

Papua New Guinea Investment Promotion Authority (PNGIPA)

3. Project Duration

2006/3 ~ 2014/5

4. Introduction

Papua New Guinea (PNG) has great potential through its natural resources – minerals, oil, gas, cash crops, forests and fisheries. The commodities produced from those resource sectors led PNG to achieve high economic growth in the last decade, thanks to the increasing global demands. Furthermore, commencement of export of the Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) in May 2014 destined for the Japanese market is adding an impetus to PNG export-oriented sectors.

In the economic relations of PNG with the Asia-Pacific region, Japan has been one of PNG's major trade partners for the last several decades. PNG has been exporting copper, tuna, timber and coffee to Japan, whereas Japan has been exporting motor vehicles and machineries to PNG.

Under the backdrop of this solid trade relations, JICA has dispatched three experts and three senior volunteers to IPA since 2006, in order to assist IPA's capacity development in undertaking market research, compiling investment profiles, facilitating investment opportunities, and promotion of PNG-made products. JICA has also been helping IPA translate its promotional materials from English to Japanese.

Those assistances contributed to the successful conclusion of the "Investment Treaty between the Government of Japan and the Government of the Independent State of Papua New Guinea for the Promotion and Protection of Investment" (Japan-Papua New Guinea Investment Treaty) in January 2014.

More importantly, JICA assistance facilitated the publication of Investment Guide (both in English and Japanese) in June 2014, and compilation of information on prospective commodities for investment in PNG. Those products are one of the major contributions of JICA assistance to IPA to enhance its promotional capacity through on-the-job trainings by JICA experts and senior volunteers in guiding research work on the ground, compilation of research results and other promotional activities.

5. Target Provinces

The whole area of PNG

6. The Snapshots of the Project

To be uploaded soon.

7. More Information

8. Recent Activities

To be uploaded soon.