Motukea Port observation by project expert team and JICA officials
1. Introduction & Background
The transport sector inclusive of all modes (Land, Air and Water) is vital for socio-economic development of Papua New Guinea amongst all other sectors. PNG Vision 2050 and PNG MTDP II sets the direction for transport sector development as the key pillar to support institutional development by enabling sector legislations, policies, infrastructure and effective service delivery as critical enablers. Considering such policies, The Department of Transport placed an emphasis on reinforcing its organizational power and capacity in order to execute national port administration functions smoothly in Papua New Guinea. In this connection, the project for Capacity Development of Department of Transport in Port Policy and Administration Phase I was developed and successfully implemented within the period of four (4) years (2014-2017) with achieved project outputs like development of the port inventory.
This project phase 2 aimed at enhancing the capacity of Department of Transport and related maritime agencies officials for effective port administration through the development of basic port management tools and their application in practice. Ensuring the port information/data in PNG, the national port policy and administration in PNG is implemented appropriately.
2. Basic Information
- JICA Cooperation Scheme: Technical Cooperation
- Target Development Sector: Infrastructure
- Target SDGs: Goal 9 Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
- Counterpart Organization: Department of Transport as Executing Agency (E/A) and related Maritime Agencies (PNG Ports Corporation Limited (PNGCPL) and National Maritime Authority (NMSA))
- Duration: October/2021 - October/2024
- Amount: PGK 7.0 million
- Target Provinces, Location: Port Moresby
- (Gender, if necessary): Gender mainstreaming is highly considered in this project. An equal number of males and females involved in this project by undertaking necessary trainings.
3. Outline of Project
- Project purpose
Department of Transport and related agencies capacity to collect and analyze port information/data is enhanced. - Overall goal
Port Information/data in PNG is smoothly communicated among related organizations and the national port policy and administration in PNG is implemented appropriately - Outputs
1. The objectives, roles and responsibilities of related organizations to implement port policy and administration are organized and shared
2. A method for investigation and collection of port information/data necessary for the national port policy and administration is established
3. The port database necessary for the national port and administration is developed with the cooperation of related organizations.
4. DOT's capacity to analyze port information/data is enhanced.
4. Environmental and Social Considerations (including Gender perspectives)
No impacts on the environment and people
5. More information (Ex. Brochure)
Project Phase - Signing of Record of Discussion (R/D)
Officials from PNG maritime sector agencies undertaking project related training in Japan