The Project for Kokopo - Rabaul Infrastructure Development Plan (KRID Plan)


Photo image of KRID Plan Project - Study Area

1. Introduction & Background

The East New Britain (ENB) Province depends highly on export of primary products such as copra, cocoa, oil palm and balsa to sustain its local economy. The province is prone to natural disasters and 1994 volcanic eruption devastated whole of Rabaul Township and its infrastructures. Given this situation, Tokua airport and provincial administration moved to Kokopo except Rabaul port. The ENBPA planned to develop sustainable industries for processing of agricultural products and development of tourism in the province by implementing their provincial Economic Development Plan (2003-2030) and Strategic Development Plan (2011-2021). In 2011, the estimated population was about 328 thousand with a growth rate of 3.6%, a rapid population growth and the trend expected to continue in the future. However, economic infrastructure is not ready to accommodate this rapid population growth and industry development. Considering the above factors, PNG government and East New Britain Provincial Administration (ENBPA) requested for a development of a concrete and strategic infrastructure development plan to support the implementation of provincial plans and priorities for sustainable infrastructure development in the future. The Kokopo Rabaul Infrastructure Development Plan (KRID Plan) Project was developed as the result of the above consideration targeting five (5) sectors of importance: Road, Port, Airport, Water supply and Power sector. This cooperation is the road map of sustainable development of the country and as well as token of country's friendship.

2. Basic Information


3. Outline of Project

  • Project purpose
    1. To provide technical support for the formulation of an infrastructure development plan in the Kokopo Rabaul Region-including Pre-Feasibility study of a selected Priority Project.
    2. To strengthen the capacity of government officers in East New Britain Provincial Administration and related organization
  • Overall goal
    1. To promote development of infrastructure in harmony with economic sectors and environment in the Kokopo Rabaul region.
    2. To contribute to budget planning necessary for infrastructure development in the Kokopo - Rabaul Region.
  • Outputs
    1. To formulate "Project for Kokopo Rabaul Infrastructure Development Plan (KRID Plan)"
    2. To enhance the capacity of the counterpart in East New Britain Provincial Administration

4. Environmental and Social Considerations (including Gender perspectives)

No significant impacts on the environment and people

5. More information (Ex. Brochure)


The second Project Steering Committee Meeting - attended by concerned stakeholders (Nov. 11th, 2022)


Technical Working Group Meeting in Kokopo - East New Britain (Nov. 2nd, 2022)